Thursday, 1 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - You Can't Run Your Car with Water for Gas!

It's all the talk these days, burn water for gas, convert your car to run off water, build a water powered engine, anything to help take the pain out of going to the gas pump! The problem is, you can't really run your car if you try to use water for gas. It's a nice catchy phrase that's caught on real well, but the truth of the matter is, water is not replacing gasoline, it's just supplementing it.

Technically speaking, you're using water with gas and it's the combination of the two that's revolutionizing the way we power our cars. Adding a hydrogen convertor can save you hundreds of dollars at the gas pump within the first month!

You need a detailed guide in order to make the conversion to burn water for gas a safe one, but it's really not much harder than following a recipe. A small container, like a Ball jar, for instance, is filled with water and some baking soda. This container is then placed in your engine compartment and using the tiniest bit of electricity from your battery to break up the water molecules into a super fine mist, your engine is able to burn the fuel more efficiently...and can double or even triple your gas mileage.

Your car will run better, your engine will last longer, and your trips to fill up at the gas station will become fewer and farther between. The government's not gonna help us, folks. Gas prices continue to climb and according to a report on CNN within the last few days, they're at record-breaking highs with no relief in sight.

If you do it yourself, and thousands have done just that, you can add a hydrogen converter in an afternoon for around $150, just a little more than a one-time fill up for an average SUV. Converting to water for gas won't harm your engine and can be easily uninstalled should you ever decide you don't want it any longer.

The conversion to water for gas uses parts that are easily found and will work with fuel injected systems or carburetors. Despite my pickiness about the term, running your car off water for gas seems to have no down side. Even the IRS thinks it's a good idea; they're offering a big tax incentive to convert your car to use water for gas!

Because of the popularity of the concept, which by the way is not a new idea at all, there will no doubt be a flood of 'water for gas' guidebooks and some will of course be better than others. To help you better decide which one is the best choice for you, go to Secrets of Water for Gas for a closer look at the top selling guides. Read the reviews and decide for yourself.

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