Regardless of how you feel about gas prices, virtually everyone should concerned with the environment. We all live together on this earth, and if the planet becomes destroyed, it won't matter if you are rich or poor, black or white, old or young; We will all suffer together. Over the next 40 years, it's predicted millions of people will needlessly die due to global warming based conditions like skin cancer, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases.
You need to be aware of your own personal carbon footprint, which refers to the impact you have on the environment - both positive and negative - and make choices that are good for the earth instead of detrimental. For example, if you plant a tree a day, you'll offset about 720 kg of carbon over the tree's life. But if you take a plane from San Francisco to Los Angeles, you'll put almost 800 kg of carbon back into the environment, which definitely isn't good.
On average, each American citizen is responsible for almost 22 tons of carbon dioxide per year, far in excess of the world's average of just 6 tons per person. And while I'm not suggesting you bicycle to your next business trip, there are a number of ways you can dramatically cut your carbon footprint:
Tip #1: Go local. Virtually everything we buy has a "carbon cost" connected to is based on things like transportation distance and the amount of energy that goes into manufacturing. Try to buy locally made products and produce. According to a 2001 U.S. Department of Agriculture study, most fruits and vegetables are shipped 1500 miles or more from farm to kitchen, which is incredible wasteful, and more than a little ironic if you are trying to do the right thing by buying organic .
Tip #2: Dress appropriately. Adjusting the thermostat down 2 degrees down when it's cold and 2 degrees up when it's warm will help the average family eliminate 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, not to mention save a bunch of money. Wear a sweater or take off your shirt if you are uncomfortable. Remember, it's the planet we are talking about here.
Tip #3: Replace old technology. If every home in America replaced just 3 light bulbs with energy-efficient CFLs, they would save $60 a year and collectively as a planet we would keep a trillion pounds of CO2 out of the atmosphere. Upgrade appliances and computers to those that are Energy Star rated, and turn off the lights when you leave a room.
Tip #4: Keep it clean. A poorly maintained car can add to global warming 500% more than a normal vehicle, and it costs money too. Keep air and fuel filters clean, replace fouled spark plugs and injectors, and get regular tune ups. And shop locally when you do drive, not at a discount store 50 miles away.
Tip #5: Improve your mileage. Drive a hybrid car or install an alternative energy booster like water fuel or HHO gas technology in your existing car. You will see mileage increases of up to 40%, and cut your carbon footprint in half.
Everybody on the planet has a personal responsibility to stop the destruction that will, if left unchecked, effect us all. If we begin now, it'll be a much better world for our children and grandchildren.
Gas Prices are insane! Discover how to Improve Gas Mileage and Slow Global Warming from Automotive writer Paul Petersen.
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