Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - Cars that run on Water. The truth about Water Power Cars.

Due to the ever rising price of gasoline it seems that water power cars have had a lot of media attention lately, and if you are anything like me you probably had a good laugh and completely dismissed the whole idea. However after doing a lot of research and hours of surfing on the internet I found out that the idea of cars that run on water is not so far fetched as it first sounds. Read on and I will try to explain the basics of how to run a car on water.

First of all lets get one thing straight about water power cars, and that is you can't run cars on water alone (that really would be something to have a good laugh at) so forget the idea of filling up your gas tank with just water and never having to go to the gas pumps again. These cars that run on water use only a small amount of water as an additive to the regular gasoline in your vehicle.

So how do these water power cars work?

Well quite simply the water is turned into a gas. With the aid of a clever little device called a hydrogen generator and the use of electrolysis to break the water down into its two main molecules (hydrogen and oxygen). A by product of this process is HHO or brown's gas, a gas that is highly flammable. This gas is then mixed with your regular gasoline and burnt in your engine in the usual way.

Very little water is needed for these water power cars and just a small container of about a quart installed under the hood of your car is enough to provide hundreds of gallons of HHO gas. This will last for months before needing to be topped up and will give you great gas mileage improvements and reduced exhaust emissions.

So how expensive are these cars that run on water? Well that's the beauty of these hydrogen generators for cars. By using a few easily obtained items from your local garage or auto shop and with just some basic mechanical knowledge you can convert your own cars into water power cars for as little as $150 or less. And the whole thing is powered using your existing cars battery.

Some of the advantages of these hydrogen generators for cars are as follows. Firstly of course there are the fantastic gas mileage improvements that you will get. And as these water power cars burn the fuel more cleanly and efficiently you will also get better engine performance, longer engine life, and less harmful exhaust emissions.

So if you are serious about getting some real gas mileage improvements from your cars without having to spend a fortune on mechanics bills then you could do a lot worse than converting them into cars that run on water. But you don't have to take my word for it that you can run cars on water, just do what I did, and do your own research.

Discover for yourself how to run a car on water, make real gas mileage improvements, and cut your gasoline consumption in half with simple Step-By-Step guides to show you how.


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