Friday, 30 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - Global Warming Disasters - Save Your Life and Act Now!

Our main concern at the moment friends is not those ever increasing gas fuel costs but the virtually irreversible changes in the environment due to our carbon footprint being left on this planet which is causing global warming. We may be different in many respects but when the effects start to be felt, we will all come under attack from a new enemy. A large number of cases of life threatening conditions such as skin cancer, lung cancer, and other respiratory diseases into the millions will be the result of 40 years of global warming.

You really need to pay a lot more attention to what your own carbon footprint output is in both the negative and positive aspects, as your changes will really help to reverse the current environment conditions. By only planting one dam tree you can make a difference by offsetting nearly 750 kg of carbon, but on the other hand if you take a plane from Washington to Boston you will put 720 kg of carbon back into the environment, so in effect you need to plant at least one tree for every trip.

On average a Non Alien produces an amazing 22 tons of co2 emissions each and every year. Now let's compare that with the rest of the civilized world, who have managed to reduce their co2 emissions to just 6 tons per person per year. I am not suggesting that we have to give up our car culture but you need to be made aware of some of the things that you can do to reduce your carbon footprint: -

Tip #1: Buying local. Everything we purchase as a consumer will have it's own carbon footprint attached to it. You see, you have to remember that almost everything needs to be transported over long distances which needs energy and lots of it to reach it's final destiny. I came over some interesting statistics the other day that showed that on average it takes almost 1500 miles for fruit and vegetables to get from the farm to the fridge. As you can see this is a complete waste of energy resources and that it would be much easier for everyone to buy produce locally.

Tip #2: Dress appropriately. When I say appropriately, I don't mean what to wear if we are going out to the theater. I mean in our own home. Just adjust your thermostat according to the season and wear less or more clothing as the case might be. This is not a lot to ask of anybody and you could even help in contributing 2,000 pounds of co2 less each year into our fragile environment. You will also feel the difference in your pocket as high savings in energy costs are guaranteed. But the main reason for doing this is to help our environment get back on track, so don't forget it.

Tip #3: Old stuff out: Here we are looking at energy savings and did you know that changing 3 traditional Edison light bulbs for new low energy-efficient CFLs would result in energy savings amounting to $60 per year. The most important benefit though would be that collectively the whole planet could save a trillion pounds of CO2 from being let out into our crippling environment. Energy Star rated PCs and other electrical appliances will also help you make further energy savings and always remember to turn the lights off as you leave a room.

Tip #4: Keep it clean. Your car will cause a 500% increase in global warming if it is not maintained correctly. That means getting your car serviced according to the manual and not letting the time pass. You won't regret it as you will make savings in car running costs through better efficiency. Remember that with shopping trips - nearer is better for the environment.

Tip #5: Improve gas mileage. Hybrid cars are are great option to reduce your carbon footprint by almost 50% but now you don't even have to change your car if you don't want to. alternative energy boosters such as HHO water fuel conversions are available to be installed into any type of vehicle and will result in up to 40% reductions in gas mileage.

Let's rally together folks and really do something that will help instead of just sitting on our backsides and expecting everybody else to get their hands dirty. There are more people to consider that will be around in 40 years time, cause if we don't act now they can be assured destruction.

Gas Prices are insane! Discover how to Improve Gas Mileage and Slow Global Warming from Automotive writer Paul Petersen.

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