Monday, 26 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - Avoid Out Of Control Gas Prices by Using The New Fuel--WATER

Avoid Out Of Control Gas Prices by Using The New Fuel--WATER

by: Randy Barney

What you need to know...

Engines waste tons of gasoline! Up to 80% of the gas that

you pump doesn't get used because it goes UNBURNED to the

catalytic converter. That means you are getting 0 MPG from

most of the expensive gasoline you buy.


There are some that would say that's what they are

designed to do--WASTE GAS--The theory here is that the more

gas is burned the bigger the pockets of the oil companies

get. That of course is a fact. I'll leave it up to you to

decide if you believe the conspiracy therory or not.

It is said that automotive and fuel technology have been

deliberately held back. There are all kind of stories

about AMAZING inventions and discoveries, It would seem

that people have been kept in the dark in order to sell us

lots of gasoline.

Now for the technical stuff...

If the gas was preheated it would create better combustion-

-but it's not. If the fuel vapor droplets were smaller they

would create more efficient combustion--but they're not.

The computer-controlled air-to-fuel ratio could be

configured to be more economical--but it's not. There are

actually patents that address having the exhaust

reprocessed to contribute to mileage --but it's not. There

was a design for a 100 MPG carburetor years ago, but it

seems to have dissapeared. Cars could actually be running

on water fuel--but they're not because those patents kind

of dissappeared also. Even the hybrids that that have

become so popular don't optimize gasoline combustion and

consumption as well as they should.

So why am I telling you all this?

Because you can do something about it, starting with YOUR

own car.

How? By using ENERGY from plain old ordinary WATER.

I know that probably sounds impossible. of course it

does, it's beyond our current reality. But so were LCD tv's

mount in vans and SUV's 20 years ago.

This type of water energy system I am referring to is

actually quite simple. Not only simple but very

affordable. This is also a system that a do it your selfer

can tackle out in thier own garage. It can actually be

built at home for $20 to $200 worth of parts and installed

in your car in a very short period of time. I am talking

about an old technology that has been revamped and designed

into a simple, affordable, SAFE system based on affordable


How does it work?

The main part of the affordable water energy system is an

electrolyzer-a container of water with electrodes in it.

The electrolyzer use a portion of electricity from your

vehicle. The electricity "splits" water into hydroxyl gas

and feeds it immediately to the engine cylinders. The

improved air/fuel mix gets very efficient combustion.

Remember how I told you that current engine technology

burns off 80% of your gasoline?

Now think about this... with this situation, all of your

gasoline is being used--no longer is it just being turned

into carbon deposits on your engine. Imagine ALL that

gasoline giving you mileage? Think of the improved

economics. And all due to energy from water.

Do you have any idea how much energy is in water?

One gallon of water converts to approximately 1,833

gallons of combustible gas. Feedback from one person that

installed the system said that one gallon of water in his

water energy system lasted for about 2,700 miles.

The fact is that there are zillions of hydrogen and oxygen

atoms ready to break out and beome combustible gas under

the in the correct environment!Understanding that helps us

see that, indeed, water can be "burned" in an engine.

Do you wonder why you don't see this in headline news?

Think about it... Do you hear anything positive in the

news any more? Negative news sells more, it contributes to

higher ratings. Why don't scientists tell us about this?

sometimes they just don't know about it. It is also a

fact, that scientist all have thier own niche area of which

they focus on. Unless they are directly involved in a

project. I may pass completely by them unnoticed.


Here is an interesting article to think about from Patrick

J. Kelly of He has a

approach to getting you to think outside the box:

"The Law of Conservation of Energy is undoubtedly correct

when it shows that more energy cannot be taken out of any

system than is put into that system. However, that does not

mean that WE cannot get more energy out of a system than WE

put into it. A crude example is a solar panel in sunlight.

We get electrical power out of the panel but we do not put

the sunlight into the panel-the sunlight arrives on its

own. This example is simple as we can see the sunlight

reaching the solar panel.

"If, instead of the solar panel, we had a device which

absorbs some of the energy that Quantum Mechanics observes

and then gives out, say, electrical power, would that be so

different? Most people say "yes!--it is impossible!" but

this reaction is based on the fact that we cannot see this

sea of energy. Should we say that a TV set cannot possibly

work because we cannot see a television transmission


Is it safe?

We already drive around with a tank full of flamable and

explosive gas.

But with the water energy system, it does not use tanks of

compressed hydrogen.

Hydrogen is already compressed in plain water!

what happens in a water for fuel system is the hydrogen is

UNCOMPRESSED and used immediately, on-demand, in the

engine! It uses a container of distilled water! And the

exhaust is well... you guessed it --WATER! The water is

split, the water is burned, and you get fantastic mileage,

you get a little water whats left over.


As you can see, this is a very green concept. The only

example of something greener is an engine that runs

completely on water. There was one, it was designed and

proven by Stanley Meyers. He drove across the United

States on approximately 28 gallons of water. (You can see

interviews with him on YouTube.) It doesn't get any more

affordable that this. And because this is GREEN technology,

the government will pay for going green!


You CAN pay someone to install your water for gas system.

there are many people all over the world that are fimiliar

with this system. They enjoy the benefits every day on

converting water to fuel. Since they are so sold on this

concept, most of them would love to assist you in getting

yours up and running.

Of course you can also do it yourself, complete

instructions, are available. Then you would create a parts

list and purchase the parts from hardware and electronics

stores. lastly, you would construct the components of the

water energy system, combine them all together, and install

the system, making all the necessary adjustments to it. You

would now be the proud owner of a Water Hybrid Vehicle.


Perhaps the most important thing is this:

Trust yourself.

When you go against the popular thought with any new idea.

All of those experts out there will tell your crazy, it

can't be done, it won't work. But what really make's

anyone an expert if they haven't tried the technology

themselves. What kind of gas mileage are they getting?

All the great minds and inventors were thought to be a bit appears that it takes a little craziness to come

up with change!


Well think about it this way…

How much did you pay the last time you bought gas?

A water energy system won't lower the price gasoline all

over the world.

It will just lower the price of YOURS, but that is a good

start, isn't it? But don't just take my word for it check

it out your self.

Randy Barney is an internet marketing expert and free

lance author, who stumbled across this technology quite by

accident. This is the greatest accidental discovery he has

made to date.

Randy Barney resides in Utah, is a freelance writer and successful internet marketing expert. For more information on making money online, sign up for the free money making newsletter at

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