Sunday, 18 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - Gas Savers vs. Gas Hustlers: The New Cold War

I should warn you now, this article is going to ruffle quite a few feathers. If you have a weak stomach, please do not read what is in front of you... it just might scare you.

There is a new war brewing, and it's NOT in Iraq.

I don't even think there's really a war going on in Iraq now, but that's besides the point.

The war I'm referring to is taking place right here in your own backyard. It's taking place in congested cities and laid back suburbs.

The enemy is using heavy artillery with big triggers and BIG barrels on them. They let off fully automatic and semi-automatic rounds with a non-stop barrage of bullets whizzing past your head.

When they stop, you are standing in a puddle of blood. Major wounds can be found in the arm, shoulder, thighs, and buttocks.

But these aren't M-16 or AR-15 rifles...

These are GAS PUMP assassins!

We are getting hit hard, and the attack is not letting up. They are going full force, and they are trying to kill as many of us as they can.

It is an all out attack, and just like any war, it is about money, Money, MONEY.

We have to look at the facts here, and stop being disillusioned by the media, and other outside influences, that would like us to believe that "no one knows what's going on".

The gas prices are rising like skyscrapers downtown.

Do you realize that over the past year, gas prices have gone up by almost $2 a gallon? TWO BUCKS PER GALLON!

For the past 6 months, they have been consistently going up at least 5 cents a week.

There is no way that a normal, middle to low income person can possibly survive this attack.

In the beginning, this supposedly started because of the turmoil in Iraq and the 9-11 attacks. That was just a way to get position.

6 or 7 years removed, this reasoning does not make sense anymore. There must be something else going on, and it's very easy to see...


The higher ups in the gas and oil companies are achieving record profits in the billions, while the "soldiers" are losing everything.

Answer me this...

Why is it that other countries like Canada and Brazil are completely self-sufficient when it comes to Gas and Oil? Canada produces 3 million barrels of oil A DAY, and Brazil produces their own ethanol from Sugar Cane.

Why is it that GM produces cars with Flex Technology for China that allow a car to run on part electricity and part ethanol, but not for the United States? China uses the proper ethanol for these kinds of cars, while the United States doesn't produce enough of it.

The answer, again... is money.

People are getting rich, and will ride off into the sunset when the new president is elected in November.

This war has produced some of the biggest profit windfalls many of these "higher-ups" have ever seen, and it has been at our expense.

Attention soldier!

It is time for you to redirect your energy. It is time for you to begin fighting the good fight.

Don't meet your death at the gas pumps!

Do whatever you can to save money at the pump and keep gas in your tank. It is your only chance of survival... you are in the kill zone.

Want to know how to win the war? Tap into the Ultimate Gas Savers System. It will save you $100 a month on gas guaranteed.

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