Sunday, 11 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - Revolutionary Discovery Helps You on Ways to Improve Gas Mileage

Is seems everyday now that the price to drive your car is going up day after day. With the forecast of gas prices expecting to hit $7 dollars a gallon by the end of 2008. We should start looking for more ways to improve gas mileage and an alternative fuels. By the big oil companies aren't going to do this for you. As the old saying goes "If you want something done right, you must do it yourself". Well that is exactly what I did, and the results have been outstanding. There has been a grand secret, swarming around using a water/gas mixture for fuel in your car.

The Water/Gas Secret Revealed

I say its time to expose this secret, and let everybody enjoy improved gas mileage and improving the environment. There is nothing new about using water for fuel in cars. It's been around for 10 years now. And most of us learn how the process works in 7th grade science class. With just a few re-wiring under your hood, you can be converting water to HHO Gas, it's also known as "Brown Gas". This gas works just like gasoline, but you need a whole lot less of it to get a lot more power to the engine. And it comes from water. When your car is burn HHO gas, you improve your gas mileage by double. And you'll be spending half as much on gas at the pump.

Converting your car to run on browns gas is simple and quick. The materials can be found at your local hardware store, and shouldn't cost more the $50. There are manuals and videos online that can show you how to install (re-wire) it to fit your car. Within my opinion, I believe that this is the best solution that will benefit the average American. When installed many people have improve there gas mileage, and when they do basic maintenance for the car its like giving them even more boost in gas mileage.

Free Report on How to Run Your Car on WATER, Read Part II of this Article Here

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