Friday, 9 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - How To Save Money From Your Personal Finances

It's getting harder and harder to find ways to save money when prices continue going up. Here are some tips to help you save money from your personal finances.

Save money on gas. Take public transportation or look for a carpool in your area. Walk or ride your bike if the destination is not too far away and you don't have a lot to carry. If you must drive, drive to consciously get better gas mileage. When you begin to accelerate, go slowly. Rushing away from stops causes your vehicle to consume a great deal of fuel. When you are stuck in stop and go traffic, leave a big space in front of you and keep rolling. Try not to come to a complete stop to get better gas mileage.

Help your personal finances by avoiding fees. Pay your bills on time so you never have to pay late charges. Don't purchase something unless you know you have the money in the bank to cover it so that your checks don't bounce and cost you money. Only use your bank's ATMs to avoid charges from other banks. Always check your bank statements, credit card statements and other bills to be sure that no mistakes were made and you are not being over charged.

stop smoking and drinking alcohol to save money and improve your personal finances. Not only do you have to pay for alcohol and cigarettes, but your medical costs rise as well. You have to pay a higher premium for health insurance and life insurance. Most likely you will be unhealthier (if not now, then later on) and have more doctor visits. You will also have to purchase more medications, too.

Also, regular check-ups with the doctor have been shown to improve health and prevent future illnesses, decreasing the cost of healthcare. Regularly visiting the dentist will help you save money from your personal finances as well, preventing you from needing more costly dental care down the road.

Another one of the ways to save money is to implement games to motivate yourself to stop certain behaviors; like smoking, drinking or swearing. Every time you do so, pay a certain amount of money, a nickel, a quarter, a dollar, etc. Then put away all that money and save it for the future.

Try these ways to save money to help your personal finances today.

Gina Clark writes on financial issues. Visit her blog to learn additional ways to save money and manage personal finances.

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