You can make savings on gas mileage of up to 50% and if you take a look at how fuel prices are just soaring at the moment., well you might just be interested in this, especially if you are a multi-vehicle family. This would be an important chance for you to make a significant move in helping with reducing current global warming.
The good news is there are many different ways to improve mileage, save money, and help the environment too, including a few you may not have ever even thought of:
Secret #1: The is a temperature factor that plays a part in how much you are going to spend filling up your car with fuel. What happens is that gas expands expands under cooler temperatures so you will need less to fill up, so if it is hot the next time you need to, you should leave it to night time.
Secret #2: Maintaining a car properly will also help with fuel consumption as a poorly maintained car can waste up to 15% on fuel consumption. It is very important to clean your filters, replace faulty spark plugs or injectors and to change the oil every 3,000 miles, improving efficiency if you use a synthetic oil like Mobile One.
Secret #3: Make sure to keep the proper air pressure in your tires. Low pressure means you car has to work harder to drive the wheels, which is tougher on the engine. However, don't over -inflate them either. Stick to the pressure stated on the sidewall, and check when the tires are cool, before you drive.
Secret #4: Excess weight - You will also improve fuel consumption when driving light,so make sure you always take any heavy stuff out of the trunk. You will also notice that a light car responds better and you feel like you are going faster. Secret #5: Speed - By reducing your speed from 75 MPH to 55 MPH you will save an incredible 20% on fuel consumption. You should also try going down hill in neutral and whenever always try driving at a reasonable speed and take speed limits seriously.
Secret #6: Another way to help with fuel consumption is by reducing drag, so keep your windows right up and remove any kind of roof rack if it is not in use.
Secret #7: Install an alternative fuel booster like water fuel or HHO gas system. . Based on your specific vehicle, you may see a mileage increase of 10% to 40%. These systems are cheap, and fairly easy to install.
It is amazing at just what savings can be made with just a bit of time and effort and I'm sure the rising gas prices will make you even more interested in these savings. You may still have some doubts so I would recommend a look at the WaterFuelS web site which is extremely informative.
check out Water Fuel Cars By the illustrious Paul Petersen and receive this Free WaterFuel Report
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