Saturday, 17 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - How To Improve Gas Mileage - Improve Gas Mileage Tip #1

I once bought a perfectly good used car for less than what it now costs to fill up the gas tank! And, it's getting worse every day. I can't afford this - can you? This article is the first in a series of articles designed to show you easy steps you can take - TODAY to improve gas mileage and save money at the pumps.

Improve gas mileage and get a little revenge on all the big business gas companies out there trying to rip you off! Improve gas mileage - right now - and save some of your hard earned bucks that would be better spent in other areas of your life! Improve gas mileage and do your part in the "Green" movement!

In other words, all the tips you can possibly learn about how to improve gas mileage are all actually worth the time and effort they take to read and employ.

They're easy too, for the most part.

There are quite a few tips, tricks and tactics you can employ. They don't have to be difficult or involved. Some very basic and simple concepts can dramatically improve gas mileage.

If you only give just a little thought to what you are doing, amazing strides can be made to improve gas mileage.

One tip that comes to mind is parking your car. Were you aware that gasoline can and does evaporate from your tank? Over time this can mean a substantial decrease in the mileage you get from each tank of gas. To improve gas mileage, be aware of this fact and whenever possible, park in the shade.

Parking in the shade will keep your gas tank cooler and help to slow down the evaporation process and improve gas mileage - right now!

No shade available? In that case, watch HOW you park.

Obviously heat is the culprit here, so park in a way that your gas tank is not towards the sun. Parking with your tank away from the sun will help to cut down a little on the evaporation.

Oh, by the way, by gas tank, I mean the actual physical tank that holds the gas, not the valve area where you plug in the nozzle at the gas pump.

This is a simple tactic that with virtually no effort, we can all employ - immediately.

If you have a couple bucks to spare, a new cap on your gas tank can help slow down the evaporation. Get one that locks to help keep your neighbors honest.

So, to improve gas mileage, here are a couple steps to take. Start first by paying attention to where (in the shade) or what direction (gas tank away from the sun) you park. Next, go the website listed below in my bio box to get a free report outlining another 53 tips on how to save gas and improve gas mileage.

Think of it! 54 ways to improve gas mileage! here's a few examples…

Did you know that the day of the week you buy gas will save money and thereby improve gas mileage? (Tip #44.)

Did you know that by buying your gas at a certain time of day will get you more gas for your money? (Tip #46.) More for your money means you will improve gas mileage.

Did you know there is a day that you should NEVER buy gas? Violate this and you will definitely NOT improve gas mileage. (Tip #47.)

There you have it…safe driving.

Feel free to republish this article - and pass it along to your friends - at will as long as the ENTIRE article, including the author bio box remains intact.

Dan Eitreim is a location photographer. With gas prices at record levels and still climbing, he had to find ways of saving money on gas or go out of business. He's created a FREE report showing 54 ways to improve gas mileage and save money. For example, there's a best day of the week to buy gas and one day you should NEVER buy (tips #44 and #47), plus 52 others! To get a copy of the report for yourself - FREE - go to:

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