Saturday, 31 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - Water For Gas Scam

Water for gas is a topic gaining popularity. As the price of fuel continues climbing every day, people are looking for a way to get better gas mileage from their vehicles in order to save money. But what do we know about using water for gas? Is it just a hoax? A scam? Or does it actually work? Let's look at it here and you can decide.

Water gas is created by breaking water down using small amounts of energy. This process is called electrolysis and extracts HHO gas from the water, creating Brown Gas, which is a burnable fuel. The Brown Gas combines with regular gasoline, and then powers the vehicle.

The water gas produced is completely safe, according to Bell Laboratories. They are a company that has done repeated tests and research, and have anecdotal reports and evidence that support the safety and validity of water power. Personal testimonies, videos, and experts are on the Internet supporting these findings as well.

In order to actually convert a vehicle to run on water power, a kit is needed that contains the detailed instructions. These kits generally come as e-books or manuals. Also necessary are specific tools that are available at most hardware stores, averaging about sixty five dollars. There are also videos that you can watch on the Internet that show the actual process of converting vehicles to run on water power, and how anyone can convert their vehicle to run on water gas.

Reports range from thirty five percent to more than two hundred percent in increased fuel efficiency by those who have made their vehicles run on water gas. They also report better engine performance and longer engine life. Auto manufacturing companies, on the other hand, design vehicles to get low gas mileage. Seventy five percent of the gasoline put into vehicles is wasted and burned through catalytic converters. Only twenty five percent of the gas put into a vehicle is used. Auto companies are even beginning to install devices in vehicles that prevent hydrogen generators from working, and have to be disabled. Now you decide who is doing the scamming.

Janice Hamilton writes about vehicles and financial issues. Visit her website for more information, videos and testimonials about using water for gas.

Friday, 30 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - Ways to Improve Gas Mileage – 3 Useful Tips to Get Better Gas Mileage

With today's oil crisis, it's definitely smart to make the most of your gas mileage. In this article, I'm going to reveal how you can get more value for your money and teach you 3 simple ways to improve gas mileage. By the end of this article, both your car and wallet will be singing for joy.

First of all, you have to remember that your situation won't improve just by reading certain ways to improve gas mileage. You have to be committed to following these tips, too, if you want to achieve long-term effects. Help your car, and your car will help you back. Sounds crazy? Well, read on!

1. Take good care of your car.

Some people just buy their cars without really knowing how to take care of them properly. Out of all the ways to improve gas mileage, this is probably one of the most neglected.

For instance, you should not forget to replace your oil filters every three months. Why? This is because your motor's air filters are prone to dust and bugs-- nuisances which only force your car to do double the work.

Why don't you check your car's air filters now and see if it's still in good shape or clogged? After you make the necessary adjustments, take your car out for a spin. See the difference in efficiency and you'll be sure to keep your car in good condition always.

2. Don't go into a road rage.

There are a lot of drivers who just zoom past you like there's no tomorrow. However, what they don't realize is that they're consuming twice as much gas that way.

If you're not in a particular hurry, then slow down and enjoy the drive. This will save you a good amount of gas and will help you make the most of your last stop at the gas station. This is one of the better ways to improve gas mileage.

3. Don't take shades for granted.

Parking without a shade is truly one of the most unpleasant car experiences in the world. Aside from the unbearable heat trapped inside the vehicle and the warmth stuck in the seats, you also have to deal with increased evaporation.

When you leave your car out under the mercy of the sun, your gas evaporates more frequently and you're robbed of gas without even knowing it.

These useful ways to improve gas mileage have been tried and tested with varying results. However, you have to admit that these tips also give you more than just additional gas mileage. They teach you how to give your car better maintenance, and discipline you to become smarter when it comes to driving and parking.

Wondering why are gas prices so high and how to solve this problem? Discover proven ways to improve gas mileage and other breakthrough tips to save gas at

Best Gas Mileage - Global Warming Disasters - Save Your Life and Act Now!

Our main concern at the moment friends is not those ever increasing gas fuel costs but the virtually irreversible changes in the environment due to our carbon footprint being left on this planet which is causing global warming. We may be different in many respects but when the effects start to be felt, we will all come under attack from a new enemy. A large number of cases of life threatening conditions such as skin cancer, lung cancer, and other respiratory diseases into the millions will be the result of 40 years of global warming.

You really need to pay a lot more attention to what your own carbon footprint output is in both the negative and positive aspects, as your changes will really help to reverse the current environment conditions. By only planting one dam tree you can make a difference by offsetting nearly 750 kg of carbon, but on the other hand if you take a plane from Washington to Boston you will put 720 kg of carbon back into the environment, so in effect you need to plant at least one tree for every trip.

On average a Non Alien produces an amazing 22 tons of co2 emissions each and every year. Now let's compare that with the rest of the civilized world, who have managed to reduce their co2 emissions to just 6 tons per person per year. I am not suggesting that we have to give up our car culture but you need to be made aware of some of the things that you can do to reduce your carbon footprint: -

Tip #1: Buying local. Everything we purchase as a consumer will have it's own carbon footprint attached to it. You see, you have to remember that almost everything needs to be transported over long distances which needs energy and lots of it to reach it's final destiny. I came over some interesting statistics the other day that showed that on average it takes almost 1500 miles for fruit and vegetables to get from the farm to the fridge. As you can see this is a complete waste of energy resources and that it would be much easier for everyone to buy produce locally.

Tip #2: Dress appropriately. When I say appropriately, I don't mean what to wear if we are going out to the theater. I mean in our own home. Just adjust your thermostat according to the season and wear less or more clothing as the case might be. This is not a lot to ask of anybody and you could even help in contributing 2,000 pounds of co2 less each year into our fragile environment. You will also feel the difference in your pocket as high savings in energy costs are guaranteed. But the main reason for doing this is to help our environment get back on track, so don't forget it.

Tip #3: Old stuff out: Here we are looking at energy savings and did you know that changing 3 traditional Edison light bulbs for new low energy-efficient CFLs would result in energy savings amounting to $60 per year. The most important benefit though would be that collectively the whole planet could save a trillion pounds of CO2 from being let out into our crippling environment. Energy Star rated PCs and other electrical appliances will also help you make further energy savings and always remember to turn the lights off as you leave a room.

Tip #4: Keep it clean. Your car will cause a 500% increase in global warming if it is not maintained correctly. That means getting your car serviced according to the manual and not letting the time pass. You won't regret it as you will make savings in car running costs through better efficiency. Remember that with shopping trips - nearer is better for the environment.

Tip #5: Improve gas mileage. Hybrid cars are are great option to reduce your carbon footprint by almost 50% but now you don't even have to change your car if you don't want to. alternative energy boosters such as HHO water fuel conversions are available to be installed into any type of vehicle and will result in up to 40% reductions in gas mileage.

Let's rally together folks and really do something that will help instead of just sitting on our backsides and expecting everybody else to get their hands dirty. There are more people to consider that will be around in 40 years time, cause if we don't act now they can be assured destruction.

Gas Prices are insane! Discover how to Improve Gas Mileage and Slow Global Warming from Automotive writer Paul Petersen.

Best Gas Mileage - Avoid Global Warming Disasters and Save Your Own Life!

The way that gas prices are on the rise at the moment should really be the least of our fears, because the gravest concern that has come to threaten our planet this century is how the environment is under attack. It doesn't matter what your background is or even if you are rich or not, we will all have to suffer together regardless. Recent studies have revealed that literally millions of people over the next 40 years shall die due to environment changes from rising cases of skin cancer, lung cancer, and other respiratory diseases.

Our own personal carbon footprint contribution needs to be our main priority in life from now on and not only for the negative aspects but also positive ones, as there is so much that we too can do to help the environment. A great example to get you started would be to just plant a tree as this would help to offset about 720 kg of carbon during it's lifespan, where as taking a plane from New York to Washington would put almost 800 kg of carbon back into the environment.

The average American creates about 22 tons of CO2 each year, which is quite an achievement if you compare it to the rest of the world, who still produce about 6 tons per person, which is still way too much. I am not saying that you have to go around on a push bike, but there really are things you can do to reduce your own personal carbon footprint: -

Tip #1: Buy local. "Carbon cost" is added to virtually everything within the consumer society. You have to take into account transportation, distance and the amount of energy that is consumed in the final delivery of a product to it's point of sale. Recent U.S. Department of Agriculture studies show that the majority of fruit and vegetables have to be transported an average of 1500 miles from the farm up to the kitchen table. This is a complete and utter waste of resources, so do your bit and buy local farm produce.

Tip #2: Dress appropriately. Well I mean why don't we just dress according to more acceptable temperatures. Reduce the thermostat if it's cold and put on a sweater and when it's hot put the thermostat up a bit and take off your shirt. These small hardships will help reduce 2,000 pounds of co2 every year as well as high savings on energy costs. This is all in aid of helping our planet remember, so please make an effort.

Tip #3: New for old: I don't know whether you have seen those new energy-efficient CFL light bulbs that you can buy nowadays. Well they do cost a bit more than normal light bulbs and changing only 3 would result in energy savings per American home of $60 per year and as a planet this would result in a trillion pounds of CO2 not being emitted into the atmosphere. You should also try and upgrade appliances and computers to Energy Star rated machines, and remember to turn off the lights as you leave a room.

Tip #4: Keep it clean. A 500% increase in global warming can be the result of owning a poorly maintained car as well as it costing more to run. Have your car regularly serviced and checked to improve efficiency and if you do go out shopping, go to the nearest available store.

Tip #5: Improve gas mileage. Definitely consider driving a hybrid car or installing an alternative energy booster. I would definitely recommend a water fuel car converter being installed into your existing car. This is a fine way to reduce your carbon footprint by half and you will see a 40% reduction in gas mileage.

If we start now, it will be a much better world for all of our children and grandchildren. Everybody on this planet is equally responsible to stop this destruction and if nothing is done, it will all just end in tears.

Gas Prices are insane! Discover how to Improve Gas Mileage and Slow Global Warming from Automotive writer Paul Petersen.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - Improve Gas Mileage - Stop Global Warming and Save Your Life!

Regardless of how you feel about gas prices, virtually everyone should concerned with the environment. We all live together on this earth, and if the planet becomes destroyed, it won't matter if you are rich or poor, black or white, old or young; We will all suffer together. Over the next 40 years, it's predicted millions of people will needlessly die due to global warming based conditions like skin cancer, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases.

You need to be aware of your own personal carbon footprint, which refers to the impact you have on the environment - both positive and negative - and make choices that are good for the earth instead of detrimental. For example, if you plant a tree a day, you'll offset about 720 kg of carbon over the tree's life. But if you take a plane from San Francisco to Los Angeles, you'll put almost 800 kg of carbon back into the environment, which definitely isn't good.

On average, each American citizen is responsible for almost 22 tons of carbon dioxide per year, far in excess of the world's average of just 6 tons per person. And while I'm not suggesting you bicycle to your next business trip, there are a number of ways you can dramatically cut your carbon footprint:

Tip #1: Go local. Virtually everything we buy has a "carbon cost" connected to is based on things like transportation distance and the amount of energy that goes into manufacturing. Try to buy locally made products and produce. According to a 2001 U.S. Department of Agriculture study, most fruits and vegetables are shipped 1500 miles or more from farm to kitchen, which is incredible wasteful, and more than a little ironic if you are trying to do the right thing by buying organic .

Tip #2: Dress appropriately. Adjusting the thermostat down 2 degrees down when it's cold and 2 degrees up when it's warm will help the average family eliminate 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, not to mention save a bunch of money. Wear a sweater or take off your shirt if you are uncomfortable. Remember, it's the planet we are talking about here.

Tip #3: Replace old technology. If every home in America replaced just 3 light bulbs with energy-efficient CFLs, they would save $60 a year and collectively as a planet we would keep a trillion pounds of CO2 out of the atmosphere. Upgrade appliances and computers to those that are Energy Star rated, and turn off the lights when you leave a room.

Tip #4: Keep it clean. A poorly maintained car can add to global warming 500% more than a normal vehicle, and it costs money too. Keep air and fuel filters clean, replace fouled spark plugs and injectors, and get regular tune ups. And shop locally when you do drive, not at a discount store 50 miles away.

Tip #5: Improve your mileage. Drive a hybrid car or install an alternative energy booster like water fuel or HHO gas technology in your existing car. You will see mileage increases of up to 40%, and cut your carbon footprint in half.

Everybody on the planet has a personal responsibility to stop the destruction that will, if left unchecked, effect us all. If we begin now, it'll be a much better world for our children and grandchildren.

Gas Prices are insane! Discover how to Improve Gas Mileage and Slow Global Warming from Automotive writer Paul Petersen.

Best Gas Mileage - Water Fueled Cars a Modern-day Reality

The subject of water fueled cars has been around for a very long time and is a widely debated subject. However, as a little known matter of fact most people don't even know or realize that the very first internal combustion engine powered automobile was invented by the Swiss inventor Isaac de Rivas in 1807. Which being in and of itself an incredible achievement seems to not even pale to the fact that it also turns out to be that what the engine used as fuel, (since gasoline wasn't invented until the 1870's) was amazingly, HYDROGEN extracted from WATER! [1]

Nowadays we still know that it's entirely possible to run a car on hydrogen. And although hydrogen gas has been proven to be 3 times more powerful than gasoline with the potential for its use as a fuel being enormous, it still has many drawbacks. For one thing, hydrogen, when contained and stored in large quantities, is very flammable and dangerous. Does anybody remember the Hindenburg?

Vehicles running with hydrogen in pressurized tanks have the potential of bursting into dangerous fireballs of combustible energy, especially during tragic automobile accidents. Even with advanced techniques of safety and procedures in place to protect the public, and even though hydrogen may seem to be ecologically and technologically the logical fuel right now for automobiles, there is no consumer distribution system in place.[2] Just the cost of building a hydrogen fueling infrastructure is an often a debated subject in and of itself. According to Larry Burns of General Motors "A network of 12,000 hydrogen stations in the United States would put 70 percent of the U.S. population within two miles of a fueling station. If the stations cost $2 million each (estimates for the cost of a station range from $1 million to $4 million) the network would cost about $24 billion."[3]

Also, currently with gasoline prices going through the roof and no definitive way of knowing what type of fueled vehicle will emerge as the dominant leader of the future, whether it be hydrogen, hydrogen fuel cells, methanol, ethanol or electric, it's now a time when many people are looking for any alternative means or method(s) to reduce the rapidly rising cost of gasoline.

This is where the often little known subject of HHO gas, or oxyhydrogen or Aquygen gas comes in. Oxyhydrogen is a mixture of hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) gases, typically in a 2:1 molar ratio, the same proportion as water, hence the chemical "graphic" formula designation of HHO.

The chemical "simple" formula for water is H2O. This chemical "simple" formula we ordinarily write for water conveys no information about the compound's structure- that is, the order in which the atoms are connected by bonding, or how they are arranged in three-dimensional space.

The chemical "graphic" formula for water however is HOH, which also means two parts of hydrogen to one part oxygen, however in the "graphic" formula the one line list of the elements is intended to show the actual physical orientation of the constituent atoms to one another, whereas in the "simple" formula the actual physical orientation of the atoms is left unknown.

In other words from the chemical "graphic" formula for water we can see that the water molecule has an atom of hydrogen to either side of the oxygen atom. But in the chemical "simple" formula, the arrangement of the water atoms is not conveyed. From the chemical "graphic" formula of HOH we can see that it depicts that the chemical substance of water has one hydrogen atom covalently bonded to a single oxygen atom on either side of it.

To expound now a little further, water is the chemical substance with the chemical "simple" formula of H2O: meaning one molecule of water has two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to a single oxygen atom. Covalently bonded meaning that, the atoms share "valence" electrons between each other such as is discussed in valence bond theory. [4] In short, the attraction-to-repulsion stability that forms between atoms when they share electrons is known as covalent bonding.

Now, enter in American-Italian physicist Professor Ruggero Maria Santilli, proponent if not outright inventor of the theories of hadronic relativity, hadronic mechanics, and hadronic chemistry. There does not seem to exist any more serious of a candidate for a unified field theory about the physical universe than Professor Santilli. And it seems that since his theories fly in the face of traditional science and go against Einsteinian doctrines that Professor Santilli's knowledge has been suppressed and he has been oppressed.

Recommendation of Professor Santilli for the Nobel Prize in Physics was initiated in 1984, and was more recently joined with recommendations for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. However the technical documentation of the nominations was ignored by the Nobel Foundation due to the granting of prizes in physics and chemistry under lack of solid foundations. [5] Currently the recommendations of Prof. Santilli for the 2007 Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry have since been rendered public.

According to Professor Santilli HHO gas is considered to be an oxygen and hydrogen hybrid which he calls a "magnecule". These hypothetical "magnecules" are a type of chemical species which are distinguished from other known species by containing a novel type of bond called a "magnecular bond", which he claims consists of atoms held together by magnetic fields which arise from toroidal polarization of their electron orbitals, instead of the other commonly known type of valence bond.[6]

In other words HHO gas contains the same two elements as water, hydrogen and oxygen, but rather than being molecularly bonded covalently as in water, in HHO gas, the 2 hydrogen atoms are joined together magnetically by what Santilli describes as a magnecule.

"Magnecules in gases, liquids, and solids consist of stable clusters composed of conventional molecules, and/or dimers (a molecule made up of two simpler identical molecules), and/or individual atoms bonded together by opposing magnetic polarizations of the orbits of at least the peripheral atomic electrons when exposed to sufficiently strong external magnetic fields, as well as the polarization of the intrinsic magnetic moments of nuclei and electrons. A population of magnecules constitutes a chemical species when essentially pure, i.e., when molecules or other species are contained in very small percentages in a directly identifiable, form."[7]

Professor Santilli also wrote "It is indicated that the creation of the gaseous and combustible HHO from distilled water at atmospheric temperature and pressure occurs via a process structurally different than evaporation or separation, thus suggesting the existence of a new form of water, apparently introduced in this paper for the first time, with the structure (H×H)-O where "×" represents the new magnecular bond and "-" the conventional molecular bond. The transition from the conventional H-O-H species to the new (H×H)-O species is predicted by a change of the electric polarization of water caused by the electrolyzer. When H-O-H is liquid, the new species (H×H)-O can only be gaseous, thus explaining the transition of state without evaporation or separation energy. Finally, the new species (H×H)-O is predicted to be unstable and decay into H×H and O, by permitting a plausible interpretation of the anomalous constituents of the HHO gas as well as its anomalous behavior."[8]

For further evidence supporting the fact that HHO gas is not covalently bonded, also consider the following; HHO Gas exhibits a widely varying energy content in BTU (British Thermal Unit), ranging from a relatively cold flame (259 F) in open air to large releases of thermal energy, depending on its use. This is unique to HHO Gas, as all other known fuels have a fixed value of energy content in BTU/SCF (British thermal unit per standard cubic foot). With this variable character of energy content, HHO Gas seems to come equipped with the evidence that the gas has a unique structure and a chemical composition and that it quite possibly does not have bonds of the valence type.

Also, if you put hydrogen magnecule gas in a fuel tank, the car runs 7.47 times the distance on the same tank volume and pressure compared to a car driven by hydrogen molecule gas. Santilli and his hadronic chemistry can explain this with detailed equations, while conventional quantum chemistry can not. Also, in the magnecule exhaust there are ZERO potentially carcinogenic substances, CO2 level is 40 percent down and OXYGEN is delivered from the clean exhaust (12-16 - to an all out whopping and incredible 100 or more after installing their HHO systems in their cars. [10]

And even though there is the matter that water fueled cars have been considered as figments of the imagination or that they are somehow mythological until their conception and acceptance in the so called real world. They have been incorporated into the real world now.[11] One possible reason that so many seem to snub what is clearly relevant and claim that they do not exist is possibly because they may believe that water fueled cars run "solely on water" and also that it could bring massive loss to the gasoline and other gasoline products markets. Yet all the time, and in actuality, hybrids, as they are called, are named such because they run on both gasoline and water. [12]

To run your car on HHO from water in your vehicle is fairly easy and can be done without any extensive knowledge of automobiles. Of course, having a little "hands on" experience of cars is a definite plus, but it isn't an absolute prerequisite. Installing an HHO generator/converter which passes an electric current (DC) through the water will split the H2o molecule (via electrolysis) thereby releasing hydrogen and oxygen atoms into a more gaseous and energetic form.

The HHO generation system for your car usually consists of a container which attaches easily to the inside of your engine compartment and you simply hook it up according to the installation instructions. You will also want to make sure the HHO gas reaches the combustion chamber and the electricity reaches the water to ensure that the proper chemical reaction takes place.

Also, be aware that if you have a newer model vehicle with an oxygen sensor, you may need to purchase an "over-ride" chip to account for the changes in air-fuel ratio. And simply because you are running your car on water does not mean that you need to fill an entire tank with water. A single jar of water can last for several months as it expands to approximately two thousand gallons of combustible HHO gas. With 1 liter of water you should be able to drive around 900 miles. Of course it depends on your vehicle.

With the gas crisis being as real as it is, water fueled cars may be the start of a brand new and economical solution. By utilizing HHO Gas from the electrolysis process, water fueled cars will emit oxygen in the air. This will help reduce pollution and thereby will also make earth a better place to live.

Water fueled cars can provide the first consumer-centered movement toward better fuel efficiency, cleaner emissions, and reduced operating costs. If you are interested in pursuing this technology further and you're confused about where to start you can go to the links in the resource box.

For more information and resources about how to fuel cars with hho/water visit:

Best Gas Mileage - High Gas Prices

What does it take to fill your tank? I'm talking about your car, truck, mini-van, or SUV. In recent times it seems that we've hit the high gas prices. No matter where I turn, the mere gallon is sky-rocketing on signs across town. What is the deal? When is our president going to aid us with this dilemma? For some odd reason, he doesn't seem to mind the ridiculous prices. Who would have guessed? Regardless, the price of fuel only seems to increase. If you're like me, you probably get your hopes up when you see it drop for a short time, but then it climbs right back up there. Will the madness ever end? Unfortunately the answer is probably a depressing NO.

High Gas Prices by StateWhich state do you call home? This relates back to the highest gas prices whether you like it or not. Those who inhabit California, Oregon, and Idaho sure aren't getting off the hook when it comes time to fill up the tank. You can get the skinny on the 10 states that grapple with the highest gas prices simply by popping open your Google search engine. The funny part concerns all these Americans who ran out and purchased a gargantuan SUV in recent years. I love seeing them drive around like they're living the American dream. Half of them don't even appear to have families, which has to make you wonder. I guess if you want to spend 70-80 bucks filling up your gas tank, that's all you. However, many of us could down size to a smaller and more efficient vehicle that would not only save oodles of cash, but help out the environment in the process.

I can recall back in the day when gas was less than a dollar per gallon. What in the world happened since then? I know not that many years have gone by. It's sad to see these absurd gas prices persist. While it may seem like a shot to the man in charge, I don't think we'll see any changes until someone else is in the White House. However, since the majority of us require gasoline for our daily means of transportation, we must find ways to avoid and/or deal with the current highest gas prices. Find tips online regarding how to save fuel. Check out the top ten states that are burdened with highest gas prices nation wide. In addition, you can always look into an alternative vehicle with better gas mileage than that SUV you're cruising around in.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - Ways To Increase Gas Mileage

I am going to share some tips (based on my research) on how to reduce the petrol bill, even before you fill your tank - these tips are specifically about car usage…

Tyres: Pump up your tyres regularly. The tyres should neither be under-inflated or over-inflated. Your car manual will tell you what pressure your tyres should be at - Check regularly and make sure you stick to it. The tyres lose around one psi pressure per month and a tyre deflated by two psi will lead to one percent increase in fuel consumption.

Type Of Petrol: Only high performance cars require the higher grade petrol…If your car does not require high grade petrol then that petrol will usually not make any difference to the performance of the car. So check the car manual or with the manufacturer and use only the right petrol.

Service: Service your car regularly - This will identify any problems and fixing the problems will increase your fuel economy. Not all problems with a car will be obvious - servicing the cars will uncover them.

Idle Engine: Idling for more than a minute consumes much more fuel than restarting an engine. So when you are stationary or held up for long periods of time then switch off your engine.

Strong Acceleration: Drive smoothly and at a moderate speed - don't travel at high speeds. If you need to accelerate then accelerate gradually. When the accelerator is depressed, the engine goes into a "fuel-enrichment" mode. Any speed higher than 90 kmph can waste fuel…On highways, using cruise control can reduce fuel consumption.

Travel Light: Don't dump your car with things you don't need for your travel. On average, every 50kg added load in your car will increase fuel consumption by two per cent.

Right Time: If possible avoid peak times. Constant braking and constant acceleration can increase your fuel consumption.

Accessories Of A Car: Roof racks or additional parts on the exterior of a car can increase aerodynamic drag - which increases fuel consumption. Apparently even leaving the windows open can increase aerodynamic drag…(aerodynamic drag was quite complex for me to understand but after reading a few pages this is my conclusion about what it is - it is simply 'resistance to motion'.)

Air Conditioning: Use air con sparingly…If you are on highways using air con is better than leaving the windows open.

Manual Car: Make sure you are using the right gear…

Short Trips: Well I guess this is common sense - Use your feet for short trips and this will not only reduce your waist line but will also save you money.

Almost There: Don't wait till your tank is all empty - If you do this then you have to drive to the nearest petrol station and you might not be able to use your petrol vouchers at the nearest station ….Nor will you be able to compare prices.

Sandy Naidu shares her personal finance knowledge on her blog – On her blog, she explores new and existing opportunities available in the financial world - all with the aim to educate herself and her readers. To read more personal finance articles visit her blog at

Best Gas Mileage - Keeping a Food Diary to Lose Weight

As a child, you may have kept a diary to record your daily activities, your hopes, and your fears. If you wrote in the diary each day, it might have seemed as if the diary itself had become one of your best friends. As you grew older, the diary might have become a record of your job search, love life, or wedding plans. Psychologists, in fact, tell us that writing down your goals can be the first step to achieving them. It has been demonstrated that individuals who kept a written record of their hunt for employment were more likely to find the job they wanted than those who did not.

It's not surprising, then, that some dieticians recommend keeping a food diary or journal if you're hoping to lose weight. If you're not accustomed to writing, the idea can seem a bit daunting at first. After all, if you don't seem to have the time to record all of your baby's "firsts"—the first words, the first steps, the first day of reciting the alphabet—how can you be expected to find the time to write down everything that passes through your lips? It's a valid question; however, if you stop to consider just how much time you spend eating, surely you can find the time to write down what you eat.

The key to keeping a food diary is motivation. You have to have a desire to record your food choices. One good way to do this is to place a picture of your heaviest self onto the cover of a notebook. Also, make sure that you keep the notebook in full view, either on your bedside table or on the kitchen table. This could provide you with just the incentive you need to make note of what you're eating. Another motivating factor could be to log your daily weight at the beginning of each diary entry. That way, you can see if your dietary choices are having an effect on your weight. If you find that you are shedding pounds, you can affix a gold star next to your entry. The gold star can provide the psychological boost necessary to continue to lose weight.

Of course, the next question you'll face is: What exactly should I write down for each entry? To begin with, just include a running list of foods, along with portion sizes. You might be surprised to find out not only what you're eating, but also how large the portions are. Next, categorize each food entry. Is it a fruit, vegetable, whole grain, or fat? Such information could be vitally important in determining where your excess pounds are coming from.

You can also use your journal for meal planning. If you think about what you should eat ahead of time, you'll be less likely to indulge in the wrong foods. Such planning can make you feel more organized and more in control—two important elements for losing weight.

If you indulge in comfort food every once in a while, don't panic. Eating high-calorie foods occasionally can help prevent a feeling of deprivation which can lead to overeating. The key is to eat "bad foods" in moderation. It is also important that you write down everything you eat, including fatty foods. Trying to hide your food choices by not writing them down is counter-productive and could lead to feelings of guilt.

Yet another helpful idea is to write down your goal weight each day. This can be an important element of psychological warfare. Knowing what your goal is—and mapping out a way to get there—can improve your chances of achieving critical milestones.

Also, when possible, try to make your diary experience fun. Do your writing on the patio, by the pool, or in your bathtub. Set the mood by playing some of your favorite music in the background. Decorate your diary by using colored pens or colorful stickers. Whatever you can do to make your diary-keeping chores more interesting will certainly be helpful.

Be aware of the fact that it could take you a while to get into the diary-keeping habit. But, once you see those pounds melt away, you'll find it's well worth the investment of time and energy.

Calculate your calorie level with calorie calculater and visit here for more health calculater

Best Gas Mileage - The Super Gas Saver Under The Microscope!

You've heard the hype and buzz and they're all TRUE - water-for-fuel systems are unbeatable when it comes to empowering your car with hydrogen!

This system saves you loads of hard-earned dollars, improve my gas mileage, and it's PERFECTLY safe to use (and it doesn't take a rocket scientist!). What more could you ask for?!

BUT whenever something as earth-shattering as this one befalls us, MYRIADS of doubts and questions arise. And one of the frequently asked questions is - "What are the ins and outs behind this water-for-fuel system?"

And asking that question is perfectly understandable.

To get the most out of this juicy gadget, you NEED to know the ins and outs of how it works to your advantage.

That's exactly what you'll get RIGHT HERE - the ins and outs of how this super gas saver works. This will ultimately give you a more vivid image of how it will soon save you from the fangs of ever-increasing fuel costs and enhance your vehicle's mileage at the same time!

Improve My Gas Mileage NOW Fact 1 - A Step You Can't Afford To Skip

When it was released from the factory, your car is meant to run on ordinary gasoline alone.

So what's the first step to get your car running with water?

Getting your car converted is a MUST. Worry NOT, though. Converting your car doesn't mean you have to modify or alter your car's current systems and parts. BUT getting it converted means it will be able to run using gasoline and water.

Giving you more security, you now have the option of switching to gasoline should the run-car-on-water gadget break down (which RARELY happens).

Improve My Gas Mileage NOW Fact 2 - The Reliable 'Ingredient'

Building your water-for-fuel gadget on quality and durable stuff is your PRIORITYenabling it to stand even against high temperature!

In light of that, I give using CPCVC pipes a thumbs up. The same pipes have been proven to be strong enough to take heavy punishment against different elements, which is why it's a favorite when constructing buildings, furniture, etc.

The pipes will function as electrodes that separate hydrogen and oxygen, which will be extracted from water. And you'll later see how CRITICAL this process is to get your car running on water.

Improve My Gas Mileage NOW Fact 3 - The Key Process

So what's this key process? It's water electrolysis, and it will pump out HHO (or Brown's Gas) known to be thrice as powerful YET safe than your usual (and expensive) car fuel.

By using the power supplied from your car's battery, the water is shattered down to its hydrogen and oxygen molecules, and the hydrogen is taken to the engines combustion chamber.

That hydrogen will be used for generating combustion which is responsible for getting your car on the road and doing great.

Do your part for a greener environment and increase car mileage! Get the Run your Car on Water Guide to fight with the raising fuel cost.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - Save Gas Through Simple Maintenances

If you drive even somewhat regularly, it is likely that you are as sick of high gas prices as the rest of us are. However, there is very little that any of us can do to directly affect the price of gas, so we are forced to turn our attention to doing whatever we can to limit the amount of gas that we use. You may or may not be aware that there are very easy methods for increasing the gas mileage you get in your car, van, truck or sport utility vehicle. In fact, many of the ways that you can help your vehicle's gas mileage are through simple maintenance that you should be performing on your vehicle anyway!

It is unfortunate that many who are attempting to escape high gas prices have turned to costly products that claim they can help your vehicle get more gas mileage. Of course, it makes little sense to spend money in order to save money, particularly when these products are largely unproven to begin with. That is why when you are trying to dramatically increase your vehicle's gas mileage, it is better to stick to the more reliable, more basic methods instead. These methods definitely include performing the regular maintenance that your car requires already.

Most drivers are fairly diligent about getting oil changes regularly for their vehicle. After all, regular oil changes are among the most fundamental (and cheap) ways to maintain your vehicle's performance and condition. Many people do not know, however, that regular oil changes also help to limit fuel consumption! That means that you will save money in the end, even if you have to spend money to perform an oil change or have one done for you. Also, while you're at it, make sure that your car is running on the appropriate grade of oil. This can reduce your fuel consumption by one or two percent.

One of the better ways to easily increase your car's gas mileage is also one of the easiest. The next time you pull up to a gas station or car wash that has an air pump, check the air pressure in your tires and add air, if necessary. At many gas stations or car washes, this will not cost you anything. Even if the only machine you can find is a pay machine, it will still likely only cost you as much as fifty cents. The price (or lack thereof) and simplicity of this method makes it a great way to help keep yourself away from the gas pump.

Another type of regular maintenance that your car requires consists of regular tune-ups. Tune-ups help to ensure that your car is performing as well as it should be, including in respect to gas mileage. Also, most tune-ups include a check of other important areas, which may reveal a problem with your car that is costing you valuable gas mileage. Fixing many of these areas may result in drastically improved performance and gas mileage, so that is a side benefit of tuning your car, as well.

The vehicle maintenance that will net you the most improved gas mileage is definitely that of checking and replacing dirty, clogged air filters. If your air filters are filthy, make sure to switch them out with clean, new ones right away! Doing so can boost your gas mileage by one-tenth! That is a pretty significant amount when you consider today's unsavory gas prices. Think about one-tenth of a gallon of gas where you live. That's how much you can expect to save, per gallon, if you drive with clean (rather than a dirty) air filters.

These types of relatively simple vehicle maintenance prove once and for all that it is not necessary to buy costly products to increase your gas mileage. Simply do the maintenance that you should already be doing for your car, and you will reap the benefits!

Also read more about best gas mileage cars and visit here to read more about: cool cars

Best Gas Mileage - Water4Gas Scam Challenge - Is It Another HHO Generator Scam?

"Double or even triple your mileage and save hundreds of $$ on fuel costs by using water as your vehicle's fuel."

"That sounds too good to be true!" you might be telling yourself.

Guess what - we're having the same train of thought when I stumbled upon the Water4Gas' website.

Not only are they saying that you'll dramatically cut down your fuel expenses and boost your car's mileage. They even claim this to be a cut above the rest of the gas savers options out there even against hydrogen tanks!

And as if that's not enough, Water4Gas even claims that the HHO generators you'll soon be constructing with their downloadable manual should empower your car with hydrogen when it needs it.

Here's what, if you've purchased a lot of downloadable stuffs from the net, I'm sure this sounds like a sly scam to you!

The use of water as the best of all the gas savers around and as HHO generators all sound too good to be true.

Think about it ? isn't this stop for mechanical engineers and physicists? And this website is telling me I can create one with ease?

Not to mention you're NOT dealing with some ordinary technical stuffs here. It's something even mechanical experts and engineers have a hard time pondering on!

And I hate to admit even MORE that what they're claiming on the website was TRUE.. every bit of it!

Here's a glimpse of what I'm talking about - water (H2O) when broken down in its basic form is identical to the components of Brown's Gas (HHO), which is 3 times as powerful and as efficient as ordinary gasoline.

With these truths and facts, the power of Water4Gas and the HHO generators you'll soon be creating is undoubtedly head and shoulders above the rest of the gas savers known to man.

Have you got a toolbox with all the basic tools? Good! That's everything you need (PLUS the HHO generators manual) to experience the savings and

It all boils down to the electrolysis of water (by using your car's batteries). This process will take care of splitting water's molecules and forming the famed Brown's Gas from itthe very substance that will do wonders for your car.

And what results have we got here?

Let's check out what I'm enjoying so far with my own HHO generator

- Whopping savings of $100 or so every month

- My car has clearer emissions (with lesser pollutants)

- And my car's parts (especially the engine) is running smoother and quieter than ever

As for the savings department, the figures keep increasing every month!

I'd say it's worth every penny I spent on the Water4Gas manual and worth every minute spent on reading and creating the HHO generators that will serve me well for the months to come.

Get excited on Water Powered Car? Check out how to build a Water for Fuel kit!

Best Gas Mileage - Water Gas Power - Saving You Money

Alternative fuel sources to power our homes, cars, and equipment are being developed on a regular basis in the aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and eliminate the toxic substances that are sent into the air we breathe everyday. Researchers and scientists are coming up with new solutions to try and solve the problems we face in the future as more and more emissions are messing up the planet and endangering the environment. Test models of vehicles that run on water gas power have hit the streets and are proving to be quite efficient as well as environmentally friendly. Acid rain and smog could be a thing of the past as the only thing emitted from the tailpipes of these cars is steam. The planet would have a chance to recover from years of damage if given the opportunity.

These cars will use hydrogen fuel cells to power them and they will be much more economical to operate and much more friendly to our environment in that the only emissions from their tailpipes will be steam. At this stage, there are some problems to be solved with the fuel cells but experts agree that solutions will be found before long and the cost of production will decrease to make them affordable for most people.

Researchers have been warning us for years that the environment is being severely damaged by all the toxins we are releasing into our air. Oxygen levels have been reported to be lower and the effects of greenhouses gases are increasing. Cars that operate on water gas power can have a beneficial effect on the planet by replenishing oxygen levels as steam is condensed when released into the atmosphere. Water vapor is also a result of condensation and will replace the water used to fuel these vehicles as it falls back to earth. Some scientists agree that greenhouse gases have raised water levels in our oceans already due to melting glaciers, and that if this continues we may have too much water on the planet. What better way to utilize a natural resource than to use it as fuel to power the numerous vehicles driven around.

Many people have different opinions on the subject of the environment and how to improve the health of the planet and our living conditions. The use of hydrogen fuel cells for the operation of much of the equipment we drive, heat our homes with, and rely on can reduce the impact and damage inflicted to our surroundings by the side effects of burning fossil fuels. Some scientists believe that it is still not too late to stop the harm we are doing and give the planet a chance to recover.

Have you wondered if you could run you vehicle on water gas power? You can, by simply adding a small system to your vehicle's engine. Learn how you can save money on gas, and discover advancements being made for vehicles to run solely on hydrogen fuel cells, by visiting

Monday, 26 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - Help how to improve my gas mileage

I sound kind of despairing don't I. Well with the prices like they are I am in pain. I drive round trip 142 miles per day. Google told me what to do after doing searches for many gas saving terms such as ways to improve my gas fuel, save money on gas and save gas.

There were so many items that after a while I realised I had all the items and some. I found so many ways to improve my gas gas that I now get 32% more fuel per gallon.With all this data I decided to put up a internet site that reviews all the ways to improve my gas gas.

If you have the same issue I think you will observe the site a neat resource. You will uncover staple suggestions and the best items on the market to improve my gas fuel.Starting out the fastest way is to get your automobile geared up. That means get a new air filter(this is huge), fill tires to the right pressure, utilize synthetic oil(best performance), get the debris out of your trunk(more weight cost you 1% per 100lbs) and utilize a system cleaner especially for the fuel injectors.Now the auto is set up to improve my gas gas so lead off by altering your driving methods.

Hypermiling is the new tip and essentially it is making less utilize of the brake and more looking ahead which means get a coasting instead of braking to improve my gas fuel. You will see much more on Hypermiling at the site. If you are going to idle 60 seconds then turn off the engine.

Under 40mph do not utilize the air conditioning unless needed. Over 40mph the drag from the open windows kind of equals out with the air conditioning.

Improve My Gas Mileage

Best Gas Mileage - Avoid Out Of Control Gas Prices by Using The New Fuel--WATER

Avoid Out Of Control Gas Prices by Using The New Fuel--WATER

by: Randy Barney

What you need to know...

Engines waste tons of gasoline! Up to 80% of the gas that

you pump doesn't get used because it goes UNBURNED to the

catalytic converter. That means you are getting 0 MPG from

most of the expensive gasoline you buy.


There are some that would say that's what they are

designed to do--WASTE GAS--The theory here is that the more

gas is burned the bigger the pockets of the oil companies

get. That of course is a fact. I'll leave it up to you to

decide if you believe the conspiracy therory or not.

It is said that automotive and fuel technology have been

deliberately held back. There are all kind of stories

about AMAZING inventions and discoveries, It would seem

that people have been kept in the dark in order to sell us

lots of gasoline.

Now for the technical stuff...

If the gas was preheated it would create better combustion-

-but it's not. If the fuel vapor droplets were smaller they

would create more efficient combustion--but they're not.

The computer-controlled air-to-fuel ratio could be

configured to be more economical--but it's not. There are

actually patents that address having the exhaust

reprocessed to contribute to mileage --but it's not. There

was a design for a 100 MPG carburetor years ago, but it

seems to have dissapeared. Cars could actually be running

on water fuel--but they're not because those patents kind

of dissappeared also. Even the hybrids that that have

become so popular don't optimize gasoline combustion and

consumption as well as they should.

So why am I telling you all this?

Because you can do something about it, starting with YOUR

own car.

How? By using ENERGY from plain old ordinary WATER.

I know that probably sounds impossible. of course it

does, it's beyond our current reality. But so were LCD tv's

mount in vans and SUV's 20 years ago.

This type of water energy system I am referring to is

actually quite simple. Not only simple but very

affordable. This is also a system that a do it your selfer

can tackle out in thier own garage. It can actually be

built at home for $20 to $200 worth of parts and installed

in your car in a very short period of time. I am talking

about an old technology that has been revamped and designed

into a simple, affordable, SAFE system based on affordable


How does it work?

The main part of the affordable water energy system is an

electrolyzer-a container of water with electrodes in it.

The electrolyzer use a portion of electricity from your

vehicle. The electricity "splits" water into hydroxyl gas

and feeds it immediately to the engine cylinders. The

improved air/fuel mix gets very efficient combustion.

Remember how I told you that current engine technology

burns off 80% of your gasoline?

Now think about this... with this situation, all of your

gasoline is being used--no longer is it just being turned

into carbon deposits on your engine. Imagine ALL that

gasoline giving you mileage? Think of the improved

economics. And all due to energy from water.

Do you have any idea how much energy is in water?

One gallon of water converts to approximately 1,833

gallons of combustible gas. Feedback from one person that

installed the system said that one gallon of water in his

water energy system lasted for about 2,700 miles.

The fact is that there are zillions of hydrogen and oxygen

atoms ready to break out and beome combustible gas under

the in the correct environment!Understanding that helps us

see that, indeed, water can be "burned" in an engine.

Do you wonder why you don't see this in headline news?

Think about it... Do you hear anything positive in the

news any more? Negative news sells more, it contributes to

higher ratings. Why don't scientists tell us about this?

sometimes they just don't know about it. It is also a

fact, that scientist all have thier own niche area of which

they focus on. Unless they are directly involved in a

project. I may pass completely by them unnoticed.


Here is an interesting article to think about from Patrick

J. Kelly of He has a

approach to getting you to think outside the box:

"The Law of Conservation of Energy is undoubtedly correct

when it shows that more energy cannot be taken out of any

system than is put into that system. However, that does not

mean that WE cannot get more energy out of a system than WE

put into it. A crude example is a solar panel in sunlight.

We get electrical power out of the panel but we do not put

the sunlight into the panel-the sunlight arrives on its

own. This example is simple as we can see the sunlight

reaching the solar panel.

"If, instead of the solar panel, we had a device which

absorbs some of the energy that Quantum Mechanics observes

and then gives out, say, electrical power, would that be so

different? Most people say "yes!--it is impossible!" but

this reaction is based on the fact that we cannot see this

sea of energy. Should we say that a TV set cannot possibly

work because we cannot see a television transmission


Is it safe?

We already drive around with a tank full of flamable and

explosive gas.

But with the water energy system, it does not use tanks of

compressed hydrogen.

Hydrogen is already compressed in plain water!

what happens in a water for fuel system is the hydrogen is

UNCOMPRESSED and used immediately, on-demand, in the

engine! It uses a container of distilled water! And the

exhaust is well... you guessed it --WATER! The water is

split, the water is burned, and you get fantastic mileage,

you get a little water whats left over.


As you can see, this is a very green concept. The only

example of something greener is an engine that runs

completely on water. There was one, it was designed and

proven by Stanley Meyers. He drove across the United

States on approximately 28 gallons of water. (You can see

interviews with him on YouTube.) It doesn't get any more

affordable that this. And because this is GREEN technology,

the government will pay for going green!


You CAN pay someone to install your water for gas system.

there are many people all over the world that are fimiliar

with this system. They enjoy the benefits every day on

converting water to fuel. Since they are so sold on this

concept, most of them would love to assist you in getting

yours up and running.

Of course you can also do it yourself, complete

instructions, are available. Then you would create a parts

list and purchase the parts from hardware and electronics

stores. lastly, you would construct the components of the

water energy system, combine them all together, and install

the system, making all the necessary adjustments to it. You

would now be the proud owner of a Water Hybrid Vehicle.


Perhaps the most important thing is this:

Trust yourself.

When you go against the popular thought with any new idea.

All of those experts out there will tell your crazy, it

can't be done, it won't work. But what really make's

anyone an expert if they haven't tried the technology

themselves. What kind of gas mileage are they getting?

All the great minds and inventors were thought to be a bit appears that it takes a little craziness to come

up with change!


Well think about it this way…

How much did you pay the last time you bought gas?

A water energy system won't lower the price gasoline all

over the world.

It will just lower the price of YOURS, but that is a good

start, isn't it? But don't just take my word for it check

it out your self.

Randy Barney is an internet marketing expert and free

lance author, who stumbled across this technology quite by

accident. This is the greatest accidental discovery he has

made to date.

Randy Barney resides in Utah, is a freelance writer and successful internet marketing expert. For more information on making money online, sign up for the free money making newsletter at

Best Gas Mileage - Steps To Achieve Better Gas Mileage

How can I get better gas mileage? With the price of gas well over $4 these days, this is a question that is on about everyone's mind today. Everyone is feeling the pain at the gas pump, and it can be difficult for many people to fill up their tank with gas prices so high. More than every before people are beginning to ask how to get better gas mileage, and thankfully, there are some things that can be done to increase the mileage that you get out of your gas.

Try Using Your Cruise Control More. One thing that you can do to help get better gas mileage is to try using your cruise control a bit more. Since using the cruise control can help you keep at a steady speed, it can help with getting better gas mileage. However, this only works when you are driving on roads that are primarily flat. If you're going to be driving on roads that are fairly flat, then using the cruise is a great idea that will help you to save at the pump.

Clean Your Car. Believe it or not, keeping your car clean on the outside can improve your fuel economy as well. You should make sure that you keep your car washed and waxed. Doing this on a regular basis actually helps to improve the aerodynamics of your car, while will affect the fuel mileage you get on your vehicle. This in fact, is so important that it can actually improve your fuel economy by about 7%, which is a substantial savings.

Avoid Idling as Much as Possible. Idling can really start killing your gas mileage, so you'll want to avoid it as much as possible. You're using fuel when you are idling but you aren't even moving. This means you're actually getting 0 mpg at this time. When you let your car continually run when you're waiting on someone in the store or even sitting at a drive through, you are actually wasting your gas. You'll be better off to turn off your car and then restart it instead of letting it idle so much.

Don't Run the Air if You Don't Have To. If you don't absolutely have to, avoid running the air conditioning as well. However, at some times it can be better to keep the air running. Usually if you are out on the highway traveling fast, it's better to keep the windows shut and run the air conditioning; however, if you're driving at slower speeds around town, you'll save by keeping the windows down.

Try Going Greener. Going greener can also help you to get better gas mileage as well. There are a variety of additives that can be added to your gas tank today that help you to reduce the emissions of your vehicle. However, not only do many of them reduce emissions for you, but they also help you to improve your gas mileage to. You'll find various gas additives to choose from, so going green can help you save too.

Get Better Gas Mileage and Save hundreds on gas. To learn more about water for gas technology and how you too can build your own water for gas powered car, visit for all the SECRETS of Water Car Technology

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - Top Ten ways to Improve Gas Mileage. Simple tips to get more MPG for your car.

Lets face it the price of gas is still rising and there is very little chance that it will ever fall back down to what it was. In fact the experts are predicting that it is going to get a lot worse, and this is sending many drivers into a frenzy trying to find ways to improve gas mileage and squeeze every last drop of gas out of their cars to get more MPG.

So just what can we do to get more MPG from our cars? Just a quick look on the internet will turn up hundreds of so called "gas mileage devices" that promise to get more MPG from your engine. Now I'm not saying that all these gas mileage devices are scams, but a lot of them sound pretty far fetched. With this in mind I have done some research and come up with ten ways to improve gas mileage using tips that most experts agree actually work.

1) This one is so obvious that it often gets overlooked. Make sure that your gas cap is in good condition and that the seal is not worn or broken. A loose or poor fitting gas cap will allow gas vapour to leak out, wasting precious fuel. As much as 17 gallons of gas a year can be lost due to a faulty gas cap. Also if and when you do replace it make sure you get a locking one as the rise in gas prices increases the rise in gas theft.

2) Stick with the right type of gas for your particular vehicle by using the correct octane rating that is recommended for it. A higher octane rated fuel such as premium will have little benefit for an engine designed to run on regular gas.

3) Don't let your engine idle for long periods. An engine that idles for 15 minutes can waste up to a gallon of gas.

4) Drive at a reasonable speed. The faster you drive the less fuel efficient your engine is, keeping your speed down is one of the best ways to improve gas mileage.

5) Make sure that your air filter is cleaned regularly. A clogged air filter will drastically reduce your fuel efficiency, so check it on a regular basis, especially if you drive on dirt roads where it will clog up quicker.

6) Don't forget your other filters. Routinely check your fuel filter and the PCU valve and breather filter. Replacing these can improve gas mileage by up to 15%

7) Get a mechanic to check your oxygen sensors. A faulty oxygen sensor can send more gas to the engine than it really needs to run efficiently.

8) Don't be a jack-rabbit driver. Always accelerate and break slowly (except in an emergency obviously). Fast accelerating and aggressive breaking will also reduce your fuel economy.

9) Keep your tires in good condition and check pressures regularly. A flat tire is a drag and will cost you gas.

10) Try to keep your weight down. All that junk you carry around in your trunk (the stuff you never use) is just adding to your gas bill.

These are just 10 simple ways to improve gas mileage and get more MPG for your car. There are many more and most of them are just common sense, so even if you don't invest in one of the new gas mileage devices on sale you can still make some savings and get more MPG for your car.

Discover for yourself even more ways to make real gas mileage improvements and cut your gasoline consumption in half with simple Step-By-Step guides to show you how.


Best Gas Mileage - Make Your Gas Count- Acheive Better Gas Mileage With The Tips

Over the past fuel months, fuel prices have been reaching record highs across the United States. This can really cramp your budget, and many people are looking for ways to make their gas count. Now is a great time to start exploring ways that you can get better gas mileage and start saving money. So, here are some great tips that will help you get better gas mileage and save some money so the price at the gas pump won't hurt you quite so much.

Tip #1 - Purchase a Car that is Fuel Efficient - One of the main ways that you can get better gas mileage is to go with a car that is fuel efficient. If you're driving around a big SUV or pickup truck, if you don't really need it, it may be time to downsize. Choosing a car that is more fuel efficient can definitely help you to save a huge amount of money. So, when you're looking for a new car, make sure you find out about the fuel economy before you buy.

Tip #2 - Consolidate All Your Trips - Consolidating your trips is important as well if you want to improve your gas mileage. Instead of doing several different errands at different times, try consolidating them instead. If you know that you have to go pick up your children from school, then consider dropping by the grocery store along the way as well. It can really help you to save.

Tip #3 - Keep Moderate Speeds - Driving at more moderate speeds can also help you to save money and get better gas mileage too. When you accelerate slowly and break slowly, keeping your speed more consistent and moderate, you'll be able to make your car more efficient on gas. Avoid speeding as well, which can really cost you at the pump.

Tip #4 - Avoid Stopping as Much as Possible - If you don't have to, don't stop. Try to do everything possible to hit the lights green, since it really eats gas to have to stop and start over and over again. Try to anticipate the lights so that you don't have to stop unless necessary. This can really make a big difference in the fuel economy that you get.

Tip #5 - Try Additions to Your Tank - There are additions out there that you can add to your tank to help you get better gas mileage as well. Many of these tank additives are easily added to your gas tank and they are designed to help you get better gas mileage on your car. Not only can they help to increase gas mileage, but some of them may even help you to reduce the emissions from your vehicle as well, which is great for the environment. Many gas tank additives today can help the environment and your wallet at the same time.

Save hundreds on gas. To learn more about water for gas technology and how you too can build your own water for gas powered car, visit for all the SECRETS of Water Car Technology

Best Gas Mileage - Run Your Car On Cooking Oil?

Before diesel became common slang for somebody large and robust or just hardcore, it mostly applied to machinery that were big tough strong work horses. Trucks, tractor-trailers, large earthmoving machinery, which catered for the heavy duty industrial work force. But it was never that popular as fuel for conventional everyday cars, which is really a shame, because diesel could have saved the consumer lots of money.

Diesel a less refined version of gasoline, all up it can costs the oil companies that make it around twenty five percent less per gallon to manufacture, although in saying that the end product itself usually costs a bit more than gasoline.

The advantage's of using diesel is that it gets a lot better when it comes to fuel economy and produces far less pollution than the regular gasoline, which is few of many reasons why it's very popular in the industrial sector (mining,farming etc). There's no particular known reason why diesel was never so popular for everyday conventional vehicles, aside from the fact that diesel engines were initially designed for industrial and 4x4 vehicles and have always had that association together.

Prices for diesel are rising just like gas prices are, so they are not becoming very popular as a option to save on gas. This is compounded by the fact that most diesel vehicles that the average person would use are either pick up trucks 4x4 vehicles, not especially popular for city driving, or the imported foreign cars that may be hard to find.

Where diesel vehicles have an advantage is that, unlike your typical everyday vehicles, they can burn various types of fuels, all of which fall under the general definition of diesel. The very popular one we hear about most often, and the one that's become most common more and more everyday, is biodiesel.

As the name biodiesel might have you thinking, biodiesel is produced from organic sources. It's has become so commercially popular that it's become necessary to make the distinction about what kind of diesel you're refering to.

Unfortunately, biodiesel is not any cheaper than the regular stuff as once was, so while using it might make you feel a lot better about using a sustainable resource, it is not going to do much to improve your gas bill.

Did you know that there is another type of biodiesel out there. Suprisingly you can actually put used cooking oil in your diesel car, it will run without any kind of modification to the engine. This may be surprising most of you, this is no accidental discovery as this is exactly what diesel engines were designed to do.

The man responsible for this brilliant idea was Rudolf Diesel he invented the diesel engine, his objective was to create an engine that would run on vegetable oil, so that small farmers could compete with those who could afford the more expensive gasoline machinery.

Now this is an opportunity to save your hard earned cash. Also doing the right thing for the environment. If you have a diesel vehicle/engine, you can run it entirely on oils that your average local restaurant. this will give them the the opportunity to dispose of the old cooking oils also doing there bit for the enviroment. 99% of the time, they'll be happy to see you take it of there hands. After all it cost them money to dispose of the used cooking oils.

It's very much possible to run your car for free. If you' willing to put in the work and learn more about using vegetable oil to run your car,Which, you have to admit to yourself, it is a pretty big improvement over four dollars a gallon.

In order to comprehend the skyrocketing prices, it's necessary to look at what goes into the price per litre we pay at the pump? Why Are Gas Prices So High Now? There's no one single answer. To comprehend why the prices are so high,

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - Hypermiling? Meet Wayne “100 MPG” Gerdes

Who coined LOL? Or OMG? Although the internet is young, we will probably never know. Like it is supposed to be with slang. Different story with the term Hypermiling though. It is said to have been coined by Wayne Gerdes, aka "Wayne 100 MPG" or "Mister Hypermileage".

If you aren't familiar with the term 'Hypermiling", here is a quick and dirty run down: it is about people who use tips, tricks, a bit of technology and driving strategies to squeeze every last ounce of mileage out of a gallon of gas.

Your car probably averages 20 miles per gallon (MPG). Theirs 40, 50 or more.

Wayne Gerdes once got an average of more than 100 mpg from a standard-issue Ford pickup truck over the course of three months.

Wayne Gerdes clearly knows how to empower every last drop of gasoline. He is what we "normal people" consider to be an obsessed hypermiler. As my mom would say "He's got too much time on his hands".

What's interesting though, is that more and more every day Joes and Jills begin to see hypermiling as a daily routine. Not just because the fun of it, but because of today's gas prices and the fear of tomorrows gas prices. The pressure from pump shock is what's driving these average drivers into hypermiling. Lets face it. Today's gas prices rule many household budgets.

Unlike the hypermiler pros, who see it as a form of competitive sport, these every day hypermilers are not after record breaking MPG's. They are perfectly happy if hypermiling helps them to extended the time between fill-ups.

Hard? Not at all. In fact, many of these tricks and tips are so easy to implement that it will truly surprise you. Increasing your car's mileage by 25% is doable for everyone. All it takes is some discipline and an easy to follow Hypermiling manual.

HyperMiling, the noble art of squeezing every mile out of a gallon, isn't hard at all. In fact, many of the gas saving tips in Kenneth Kender's HyperMiling Manual, are so easy to implement that it will truly surprise you. His book is a kick start to learn how to improve your car's MPG by 25-40%, the next time you pull out of your driveway.

Friday, 23 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - Better Gas Mileage In 3 Easy Steps

With gas prices through the roof, almost every other day, another writer comes out with a "top ten ways to save on gas" article. We did it too a while back, but really, most of the savings can be achieved with only a few essentials.

Actually, assuming that your car is in relatively good shape and well maintained, you really only need to concentrate on three things to get the bulk of the gas savings that are possible. In fact, if you're a "typical" driver, it would not be unusual to add 30% or more to your mileage simply by following the advice below.

The worst offender is aggressive driving.

The most significant factor in saving gas is how you drive. If you have a habit of stepping on the gas aggressively every time you get going, and waiting until the last minute to step on the brake, it's costing you plenty more than it has to at the pump.

Always think ahead when you're behind the wheel. Whenever starting and stopping, try to make your acceleration and deceleration as smooth as possible. Instead of getting to the posted speed limit as fast as possible, aim for a smooth and gradual acceleration. Same thing with stopping. If you can see a red light up ahead, take your foot off the gas and coast until you have to apply the brake, instead of keeping your foot on the gas pedal and braking at the last minute.

By working with momentum and gravity, you can make driving a bit of a game and have some fun while saving gas. As you approach an incline, you could try to build up a bit of speed so that the momentum reduces the need for stepping on the gas as much while going up the hill, and conversely, let gravity help you when going downhill.

If you're not going anywhere, turn off the engine.

This applies as much to warming up the car in cold climates, as it does when idling and waiting in line for something or other while in your car.

If you live in a cold climate, simply dress a bit warmer, and let your vehicle get warm as you drive. Your car needs no more than 30 - 45 seconds of idling time in cold weather, to reach a reasonable operating temperature.

If you can see that you're likely to be stopped for more than a minute, it probably makes sense to turn off the engine for a while. It definitely does in terms of saving gas.

3) Drive at or slightly below the speed limit (drive slower)

It's just a fact that driving slower under normal conditions uses less gas (much less actually). You can actually accomplish several things by driving slower, like: increased safety margins, avoided speeding tickets, and of course, it's one of the best ways to really save on gas.

Just move over to the slow lane, and save yourself the aggravation of having someone behind you getting all irritated because you're driving at the speed limit. The time savings of going fast just don't equal the long term benefits of driving at the speed limit. Another benefit of which could be lower car insurance rates because of a better driving record.

There you have it. You don't need to read anymore of those "top ten ways to save on gas" or "37 gas savings tips" articles.

The truth is that if you follow the advice outlined above, you'll be saving most of what is possible, without wasting your time on things that simply don't matter that much in terms of real gas savings.

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Best Gas Mileage - Water Fuel Cars - Top 7 Secrets To Improve Mileage

You can make savings on gas mileage of up to 50% and if you take a look at how fuel prices are just soaring at the moment., well you might just be interested in this, especially if you are a multi-vehicle family. This would be an important chance for you to make a significant move in helping with reducing current global warming.

The good news is there are many different ways to improve mileage, save money, and help the environment too, including a few you may not have ever even thought of:

Secret #1: The is a temperature factor that plays a part in how much you are going to spend filling up your car with fuel. What happens is that gas expands expands under cooler temperatures so you will need less to fill up, so if it is hot the next time you need to, you should leave it to night time.

Secret #2: Maintaining a car properly will also help with fuel consumption as a poorly maintained car can waste up to 15% on fuel consumption. It is very important to clean your filters, replace faulty spark plugs or injectors and to change the oil every 3,000 miles, improving efficiency if you use a synthetic oil like Mobile One.

Secret #3: Make sure to keep the proper air pressure in your tires. Low pressure means you car has to work harder to drive the wheels, which is tougher on the engine. However, don't over -inflate them either. Stick to the pressure stated on the sidewall, and check when the tires are cool, before you drive.

Secret #4: Excess weight - You will also improve fuel consumption when driving light,so make sure you always take any heavy stuff out of the trunk. You will also notice that a light car responds better and you feel like you are going faster. Secret #5: Speed - By reducing your speed from 75 MPH to 55 MPH you will save an incredible 20% on fuel consumption. You should also try going down hill in neutral and whenever always try driving at a reasonable speed and take speed limits seriously.

Secret #6: Another way to help with fuel consumption is by reducing drag, so keep your windows right up and remove any kind of roof rack if it is not in use.

Secret #7: Install an alternative fuel booster like water fuel or HHO gas system. . Based on your specific vehicle, you may see a mileage increase of 10% to 40%. These systems are cheap, and fairly easy to install.

It is amazing at just what savings can be made with just a bit of time and effort and I'm sure the rising gas prices will make you even more interested in these savings. You may still have some doubts so I would recommend a look at the WaterFuelS web site which is extremely informative.

check out Water Fuel Cars By the illustrious Paul Petersen and receive this Free WaterFuel Report

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - 10 Basic Gas Saving and Hypermiling Tips

Is it possible to save 20% or more on gas? Yes it is. In fact, it is possible to save 30- 40% and it isn't even difficult. Hypermiling, the noble art of squeezing every last mile out of a gallon, isn't brain surgery or rocket science. Anyone can do it. Employ some easy, basic Hypermiling tricks and you'll increase your car's MPG the minute you pull out of the driveway.

$4 a gallon and rising. Gas prices have reached an all time high. And if you think $4 is the bloody limit, fasten your seat belt. Experts are saying the worst is yet to come. $5 a gallon, they say, is just a matter of time. As is $6. Some warn us to be prepared for $8 a gallon. Ridiculous? Impossible? Ridiculous yes. Impossible no. In Europe $9 a gallon is considered a bargain...

Although the prices of hybrids seem to go up faster then the price of gas, investing in a so called green car is probably a smart thing to do. But what if you don't have an extra $20,000? Well, below are some basic, easy to follow hypermiling tips. Employ a handful and you'll see results immediately.

1 Check your tires. Under inflated tires make your car waste gas. It is that simple. Check the manual for the manufacturer's recommendations and keep your tires properly inflated. Make it a Saturday routine.

2 How much weighs that golf bag in the back of your car? Every extra 100 pounds is costing you as much as 2% on your car's fuel efficiency. With today's gas prices, that's a lot of money.

3 Here comes the one you don't like: slow down. On highways 55 is the most efficient mph. At 60 and above your fuel efficiency decreases rapidly.

4 Jackrabbit starts, tire screeching stops and speeding can lower your MPG by 5% on city streets. Aggressive driving on highways will cost you even 33%.

5 Check your oxygen filter or have a mechanic do the job. A faulty oxygen sensor can cost you many fill-ups a year because it keeps sending more gas to the engine then needed.

6 Speaking of gas: don't use premium fuel unless you have to. Don't take your manufacturers word for it. It isn't a secret that some were recommending premium fuels in cases where regular would do just fine, because there were ties to oil companies. Check the internet.

7 Speaking of filters: clean your air filter or replace it. Especially if your daily routine forces you to drive on dirty roads or in polluted cities. A dirty air filter kills fuel efficiency.

8 Also check on your so called "forgotten filters". You know, the fuel filter, the PCV valve and the breather filter. Replacing these filters every 15,000 miles will probably improve your MPG by 10-15%.

9 Idling your engine for 15 minutes wastes one gallon of gas. That's $4, remember? So avoid it. How? For example by reducing the amount of time you let your car warm up.

10 Last but not least: older caps get out of shape and let gas fumes escape. That's an expensive waste. You can save up to 15 gallons a year (that's $60!) just by replacing an old gas cap. So go out and get yourself a new one. Better yet, make it one with a lock. As gas prices go up, so do gas thefts.

These 10 tips alone can help you save a small fortune on gas. If you want to save more, it'll come down to changing your driving habits. I know, that sounds extremely boring but it isn't. Actually it is fun - a challenge to fight the monster prices at the pump. A challenge that can save you as much as $300 a year if you drive just 10 miles a day.

HyperMiling, the noble art of using all sorts of tips, tricks and hypermiling techniques to squeeze every mile out of a gallon isn't hard at all. In fact, many of these tricks and tips are so easy to implement that it will truly surprise you. Recently, Kenneth Kender published a HyperMiling manual stuffed with gas saving tips that actually work and improve your car's MPG (miles per Gallon) by 25-40% the next time you pull out of your driveway.

Best Gas Mileage - Gas Saving Tips And Strategies To Save Fuel

With all of the negativity out there about gas saving devices and products that just don't work, you may be better off to put your time and money into other efforts that have been known to work rather well.

You can be sure if a really effective gas saving device does come onto the market it will be in the news, online, and people will be talking about it. In the mean time do what you can to save yourself as much money as you can. It can prevent you from being as stressed out when you see that gas gauge towards empty.

A very effective method you may want to incorporate into your gas saving efforts is hypermiling. It means you will be able to change some of your behaviors, get your vehicle in top operating shape, and maximize fuel efficiency. You will also be able to monitor your progress without any gadgets.

This is a proven way for you to save money without buying any type of product at all. In addition, it will help you to have a vehicle that last longer. You won't need a new one any time soon when it is well maintained. It will also help to reduce the risk of vehicle related accidents.

How often do you change the oil on your vehicle? This should be a standard practice every 3,000 miles or every 3 months. Whichever you get to first is what you go with. Most places that change your oil will put a sticker on the inside of the windshield. It will tell you the date and the mileage so you can easily view that information.

Having the right amount of air in your tires will help to reduce the amount of fuel you use as well. You need to check your owner's manual to see how much pounds of pressure you should have in each of them. Too much or too little isn't safe either so always keep a close eye on this.

Get your vehicle a tune up every six months to a year as well depending on how many miles you put on it. At this time they can do a complete inspection for you. Don't wait until something is really wrong with your vehicle before you get it looked at.

A leaking fuel injector, clogged air filter, or an old oxygen sensor won't prevent your vehicle from operating. However, it will increase the amount of fuel you have to use in order to get around. It is more cost effective to repair or replace these items in order to save you money in the long run.

By maintaining a constant speed you will use less fuel in you vehicle. It is when you accelerate and slow down all the time that you end up using more of it. If that is your style of driving then you can modify it. Stop speeding to get places on time and plan better so you can leave earlier.

Instead of rushing to pass the cars in front of you set your cruise control. This way you can stay at a constant speed. You also want to leave enough room between you and the car in front of you. This will require less breaking and so your car won't use as much fuel to get back into motion again.

Making changes to your regular routine is also a big part of hypermiling. Think about carpooling to work and for your children's activities whenever possible. This will reduce the amount of trips you make per week in your vehicle.

You also need to schedule errands and other outings so you aren't covering the same ground over and over again. Plan when you will go to the grocery store and everything you need for a one or two week period. This way you won't have to go back and forth for select ingredients to complete your meals.

Hypermiling has become quite popular as a method for saving money on gas. It doesn't require buying any type of device and most of the options are extremely affordable or cost nothing at all. An oil change generally runs about $30 which is no big deal. Other vehicle repairs are going to cost more but you still need to get them taken care of.

When you are out of gas determine how many miles you went on that tank of gas. When you divide that amount by the number of gallons you purchased you get the amount of miles per gallon.

Now implement one or two of the hypermiling strategies before you fill up the second time. Keep track of your miles per gallon using that same formula. You will see some differences and hopefully that will encourage you to continue with these methods. You can also consider implementing a couple more of them to give yourself even better gas mileage.

Want to learn an effective way to save gas? Learn about Hydrogen Powered Cars. Visit this review page of the latest technology available about Hydrogen Fuel For Cars:

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - Improve Gas Mileage - Stop Idling!

If you have any dream of improving gas mileage and saving money on gas, you will soon run across a new term. It's "hypermiling".

Hypermiling is a new word meant to describe the various techniques and driving habits used to improve gas mileage. In other words, to get "hyper" gas mileage.

This is the third in a series of articles inviting you to join the sub-culture of hypermilers. Those of us who want to improve gas mileage and save some money!

Driving habits that will save on gas and improve gas mileage don't have to be complex to be effective. Some truly dramatic increases can be accomplished with only a few simple hypermiling techniques.

Here's a hypermiling technique used to improve gas mileage that is so obvious that many of us never even think about it.

Imagine this; you are working away and before you know it, it's time for lunch. You hop in the car and drive down to the local fast food place. Once there, you sit in the drive through lane waiting your turn to order. There's a fairly long line of cars - after all, it is the lunch rush!

Finally, you get to the window, and wait for your food. And wait for your food. And wait for your food.

Good hypermiling idea? Nope. That five or ten minutes spent idling in the drive through is burning gas and totally killing any of your attempts to improve gas mileage.

If you truly want to improve gas mileage and practice hypermiling, park the car and go inside to order. You will save more on gas than you may think.

You may ask…"But doesn't it use extra gas when you initially start a car?"

It's true, when you first start a car, it does take a little extra gas. To start a car uses about the same amount of gas as idling for 30 seconds. So, to improve gas mileage, anytime you are faced with a idling more than 30 seconds - turn the car off!

The opportunity to improve gas mileage by not idling is not only available at the drive through. Every day we are given the opportunity to practice a little hypermiling and improve gas mileage.

How about those train tracks where you're stuck watching a train that seems to go on for miles and miles? Turn off the car and improve gas mileage.

How about that particularly long stop light that you are trapped at for about 5 minutes every day? Turn off the car and improve gas mileage.

How about doing some hypermiling and improve gas mileage when you go somewhere to pick up friends? You don't have to sit there idling while they say their goodbyes. Turn off the car and improve gas mileage.

What about the kids at school? I see parents sitting in line at the school - idling - for 30 and 45 minutes at a time. They aren't moving. Why not turn off the SUV and really improve gas mileage!

Here's a truly innovative idea to improve gas mileage - take a bag lunch to work! You'll save money on gas, save money on food and probably eat healthier too! Use the time you used to spend irritated and idling at the drive through - to relax and read a book. That's more than hypermiling, that's hyper living!

Want to feel like a true HERO? Pass this article along to your friends. Help them get into the habit of hypermiling, learn to improve gas mileage - and save some money. Just leave the article intact, including the author bio box.

Dan Eitreim is a location photographer. With gas prices at record levels and still climbing, he had to find ways of saving money on gas or go out of business. He's created a FREE report showing 54 ways to improve gas mileage and save money. For example, there's a best day of the week to buy gas and even a best TIME of day to buy (tips #44 and #47), plus 52 others! To get a copy of the report for yourself - FREE - go to:

Best Gas Mileage - How to Improve Gas Mileage – With Water?

Is it truly possible to improve gas mileage by using water? If so, how?

Perhaps the title should have been phrased as a different question. Is it possible to improve gas mileage? And what's all the hype about HHO gas or Brown's gas? With gas prices so high and continuing to rise, consumers are ready to try other options. Mass transit seems to work for some parts of the world but the rest of us are stuck trying to figure out how to get every last mile out of our gas tank.

I considered getting a hybrid car and the costs scared me away. However during my research I stumbled upon a new way to improve mileage. And get this, it's a way to run car on water using a water fuel cell to generate… well hydrogen as an alternative fuel source. The website has more details but for me all I need to know is that you and I can fight back in the battle with ever-rising gas prices.

These alternative fuel sites seem to be popping up in several places, yet each seems to come down to the same principal. A do-it-yourself hybrid that runs on standard gasoline plus HHO gas as an alternative fuel supplement. The system is said to improve mileage and you literally run car on water. Who would of thunk lil' ol me the high school physics drop-out would be writing on something as cool as a water fuel cell. You can find full details at With the endless search on how to improve gas mileage, you owe it to yourself to at least consider the options.

John Resendez is an internet marketer committed to bringing useful, time saving and often life saving solutions to consumers. His most recent interest is in HHO gas devices and has created the site NewGas-T With recent increases in gas prices, NewGas-T is researching and promoting new alternative fuel devices including the potential to run car on water using an HHO gas converter.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Best Gas Mileage - Benefits of hybrid driving

A lot of people don't recognize that with gas price on the rise and technology at the reach of our fingers, there are many options to take into account . The best answer at this time is to convert your present car into a hybrid with few reversible modifications. The advantages of converting your car to run on water are the following:

Less Cost and Maintenance

We by now haven't talked about the expenses to convert your car to haybrid. It will cost you less than a stopover to the doctor to heal your flu. You will be able to acquire all the essential gear and the step-by-step guide instructing you on each aspect in to get the job done with no key issues. Plus you get technical support. With a small jug of water connected in the approved manner to your car, it will last for hundreds of miles and you will not have to be stuck beneath your car's cover for extensive time. This can help you a great deal on saving money and can also help any problems in your vehicle.

No Major Alteration Is Needed In Your Vehicle

You will not be required to extensively modify your automobile. The engine stays the same. The single detachable alteration you will need to do is to attach a small number of things together and cap it into your car's engine. Whenever you feel like getting rid of the hydrogen kit you implemented, you will be able to do so by just unplugging it from your automobile with no complicated procedures. Therefore the expenditure to get this thing into to practice is not very high when you compare it with the amount of saving in gasoline you will gain over a period of time.

Reduced Gas Emission

This means that your automobile will produce a smaller amount carbon monoxide released into the air as well as additional polluting gasses such as hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxides. Previous to these gasses getting in the atmosphere they are accumulated at ground level causing a lot of pulmonary diseases and respiratory problems. As you know, this is not very good for the environment and leads to lots of major problems like global warming. All of this can be improved by using water and gas in your car.

Improve Your Gas Mileage by at Least 30 on gas efficiency. Everybody knows that gas prices are going up day by day. By converting your automobile to a hybrid car you will notice a great deal of reduction on many times you go to the gas station. This regular activity will be dimished to a bare minimum compared to what you are used to now.

For more information and do it yourself tips go to my site.

Best Gas Mileage - Cheap Water Fuel - Discover These 7 FREE Tips On Water Fuel Technology

With fuel prices the way they are, if you could improve gas mileage by just 20%, it could save you thousands of dollars a year, especially if you live in a multi-vehicle household. Even more important, you'll cut your carbon footprint and help slow global warming.

The good news is there are many different ways to improve mileage, save money, and help the environment too, including a few you may not have ever even thought of:

Secret #1: Always buy your gas when the temperature is coolest. Filling up early in the morning or late at night are best. Gas expands and contracts based on temperature, which means it takes less fuel fill up when it's cooler, more when it's warmer.

Secret #2: A poorly maintained car can easily waste 10% of the fuel it consumes, so keep your air and fuel filters clean, replace fouled spark plugs and injectors, and change your oil every 3,000 miles with a synthetic oil like Mobile One to improve efficiency.

Secret #3: Make sure to keep the proper air pressure in your tires. Low pressure means you car has to work harder to drive the wheels, which is tougher on the engine. However, don't over -inflate them either. Stick to the pressure stated on the sidewall, and check when the tires are cool, before you drive.

Secret #4 Lighten your load by keeping heavy items out of your trunk and back seat. A lighter car needs less fuel to drive, and will also seems faster and more responsive.

Secret #5: Pay attention to your driving habits. Avoid sudden starts and racing the engine, put your car in neutral on long downhill stretches, and follow posted speed limits. You can increase mileage by 20% simply by driving 55 MPH instead of 75 MPH. The slow lane is your friend!

Secret #6: Remove drag by driving with your windows up, and removing ski and sport racks unless you need them, especially on long trips.

Secret #7: Install an alternative fuel booster like water fuel or HHO gas system. . Based on your specific vehicle, you may see a mileage increase of 10% to 40%. These systems are cheap, and fairly easy to install.

You can save money on fuel, but you have to make a commitment to it. Thankfully, with gas prices as high as they are these days, it's not too hard! Discover more mileage boosting information at WaterFuelS Discover Water Fuel Technology found at and get this Free WaterFuel Report