The two ways to save money buying gas is to pay less and use less. One of the best ways to use less gas, pay the best price and maximize savings is to plan ahead. organizing when and where you fill up will go a long way to reduce the amount of gas you use.
For starters if you can plan ahead you may be able to take advantage of special buys on other products when buying gas. Look for coupons in your area that offer deals on certain items, like convenience food. If you purchase your gas at a station that has a mini-mart type store attached then you can use your money-saving coupons at the same time you get your gas.
Although not specifically saving on your actual fuel purchase, by combining your fuel purchase with the items bought at the mini mart you can realize overall savings. By shopping and fueling up your car at the same place you will be saving gas by not making an extra trip. If the stations mini-mart also has a frequent shoppers plan you may also earn extra points or special purchases along the way.
The primary way to take advantage of advance planning to save on your fuel costs is to plan when and where to fill up. Do not wait until your gas gauge indicates you are on empty to fuel up your car. Plan ahead so you know where you are going to get your fuel. Save by buying regularly at a station that you have noted has a good price.
If you let your tank get too close to empty you may find that you are forced to buy gas at a higher priced station to avoid running out of gas. If you plan your purchase ahead it will allow you to take advantage of the lower priced stations.
Being alert while you drive can also help the planning and organizing of your gas purchases. As you are driving keep a look out for gas stations around your home or on roads you frequently travel and record the best prices and the locations in a notebook. It might even be easier and safer to use a digital voice recorder or the recorder on you cell phone for recording this information. However you decide to capture the information you will have created your own local database of best prices and locations to buy gas. In doing it this way you will have avoided using any additional gas.
Sometimes waiting to buy gas can save you money. If on a particular day you cannot find the price you were looking for, wait a day or two and you may still find your price. The price of gas is constantly changing. A few days could make a difference. Again if you plan to fill up well before your tank is close to empty you will have the flexibility to be able to wait till you find the right station with the right price.
A little advance planning can make a difference in your fuel costs. You may believe that the small things don't seem to add up to much savings. Many small things eventually add up to big things. If you always buy smart and drive smart you will see significant savings over time.
Scott Siegel has written a 143 page book of industry insider information on saving gas and money at the pump ( Visit us to learn how you can get better gas mileage. Find out how to increase gas mileage.
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