Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Best Gas Mileage - Gas Prices Going Back Up

I'm sure that very few of you are surprised by this, but it looks like the price of gasoline is going up again. Thankfully, we have all enjoyed a few months where prices were staying stable and even dropping. But it looks like the winds of change are blowing again. According to CNN Money, prices have gone up an average of $0.065 in the last two weeks, and this will be just the beginning.

On the bright side, at the beginning of the year analysts assumed that prices would be much higher than they are now. While I don't think that prices are going to go up dramatically at this point, any increase will still take more out of your and my pocket each time we go to the pump. But don't worry too much about prices going up to $4.00 a gallon any time soon.

One of the reasons why prices are going up is because refineries will soon be switching over to the winter blend of gasoline. Some may have already started this process, and that could be affecting the current price of gasoline. While the refineries make this change the prices will likely go up for a short period until they get back to full production. The good news is that the winter blend of gasoline is overall cheaper than the summer blend, which is one reason why gas prices are generally cheaper in the winter.

With the constant fluctuation in gas prices, you should really consider using a fuel saving gas additive if you aren't already. Using a fuel additive can increase your miles per gallon, and reduce the overall cost you experience at the pump.

You should also consider doing other things to improve your gas mileage such as getting regular tune-ups to your car, checking your tire air pressure, and reducing unnecessary trips. Every little bit helps!

About the Author:

Dan Patterson is the owner a FuelAdditiveS a site where you can buy a good fuel saving gas additive for your car or truck to save money on gas.

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