As gasoline prices continue to set records and you find yourself spending more and more money at the gas pump, the prospect of taking that driving vacation trip seems more expensive than ever. You can travel and not break your budget on gas.
The best fuel saving device is you the driver. Believe it or not you are in control of your gasoline usage. These tips and suggestions will allow you to lower your fuel costs while on that driving trip.
An easy thing to start with is to lighten your load. Get rid of all the extra things you have in your trunk. Take out that 60 pound bag of cat food you bought three weeks ago. Remove your surplus tool kit. Run that box of paper to the recycling center right now, instead of leaving it your car for another few weeks. 100 lbs of weight reduction from your vehicle will save you around 1 to 2 percent of your fuel usage. If you can reduce your load by 200 lbs then your savings is 2 to 4 percent. The lighter your car is the more fuel efficient it will be.
You already have scoped out the cheapest stations to purchase fuel at around your home. These stations will likely be lower priced than the fuel stations on your vacation route. So, fill up at one of these stations before you leave on your trip. You might even want to buy your fuel one day before you leave. For most people the actual travel day is rushed and hurried. You might run out of time to go to the station you planned on and might have to opt for fuel along your route. If you get your fuel one day before you leave, you can do it without worrying about deadlines and without rushing around.
Don't use luggage racks. If you need to pack your car for the trip try and get everything inside the car. The wind resistance created by using luggage racks will rob you of fuel. The resistance will increase on the highway.
On the turnpikes and freeways use your cruise control. The more you can maintain your vehicle at a constant speed, the more gasoline you will save. Your cruise control will do a much better job of keeping a fixed speed than you can maintain manually.
If you use these tips you can still take that driving vacation without breaking your budget on gas costs. Following these easy suggestions will go a long way to help you control your costs.
Scott Siegel has written a 143 page manual of industry insider information on saving gas and dollars at the pump ( Visit us to learn how you can get better gas mileage. Find out how to increase gas mileage.
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