Thursday, 27 November 2008

Best Gas Mileage - How to Save Fuel with Synthetic Oils while helping the Environment!

Reduce Skyrocketing Gas Costs With AMSOIL Synthetic Oil...the Number One rated Synthetic Oil in the World!

Industry tests have shown improved fuel economy of 2 - 5% in vehicles using synthetic lubricants. Many AMSOIL customer testimonials tell of even greater savings. But there is another way to reduce oil usage. AMSOIL synthetic motor oils are designed for extended drain intervals and reduce the amount of oil used by as much as 80%. Fewer oil changes means less oil used. "Keep America on the road with AMSOIL, the original synthetic motor oil.

"We can reduce the dependency on foreign oil by converting our vehicles to synthetic oils and lubricants. Amsoil is 100% American made and manufactured. Amsoil puts less waste back in the environment, and it saves gas. This is a WIN-WIN combination for America right now. Let's do our part to reduce our dependency on Middle Eastern Oil."

AMSOIL gives a 5% increase in fuel economy on average, and in some cases 20% and even more! Why use ordinary oils when our superior AMSOIL synthetic oils outperform all others? AMSOIL Synthetic Oil achieves superior lubrication, extends engine life by reducing friction and wear and creates more horsepower. As a home-based AMSOIL dealer, you can build a great repeat-order business.


You love technology! Personal computers, hand helds, cell phones, and digital cameras. Your vehicle is state of the art engine technology. Then why are you using dinosaur squeezings to lubricate it? Petroleum oil is the way we lubricated the first cars in 1890. Synthetic oil is Jet Engine technology. Don't use 19th Century technology on your 21st Century vehicle. Welcome to the future, the future is now! Synthetic oil's time has arrived, don't get left in the past!

AMSOIL lubricants reduce friction in your engine, your transmission, and your gear boxes. When friction is reduced it takes less energy to turn the wheels of your vehicle, thus increased efficiency and increased fuel economy. Many customers report having to set down their idle on the fuel system because it was too high after switching to AMSOIL. Engines run higher RPM on the same fuel, reduced friction means better gas economy and better protection for your engine.

AMSOIL should save you enough per year in fuel savings to pay for all your vehicles lubrication needs.- If you get an average of 20 miles per gallon and travel 15,000 miles per year you use 750 gallons of gas per year. At the present cost of unleaded gas ($2.58) in my area, you'll spend $1935.00 per year on fuel. If you can get a 2 mile per gallon increase (10%), your gas usage will decrease to 682 gallons or $1759.00 per year. That's a savings of $176.00 per year! You can get your engine and transmission protected with AMSOIL for a lot less. Even just a one mile per gallon increase would save $93.00 per year, which is enough to switch over your engine to AMSOIL for the year plus you'll have $48 left over!


Most automobile manufacturers recommend oil drain intervals of 3,000 to 6,000 miles for petroleum motor oils. AMSOIL recommends up to a 35,000-mile oil change which is 5 to 11 times fewer oil changes. Just think about the savings on the environment if, for example, the 135 million cars (excluding trucks, buses and taxis) in the United States were equipped with AMSOIL motor oil. Assuming an average service-life of 100,000 miles and an oil capacity of 5 quarts each, 11.4 billion to 22.3 billion quarts of used oil will be generated during a regular service lifetime (with regular oil changes every 3,000 to 6,000 miles). If you put 22.3 billion quarts of used oil into 55-gallon barrels and loaded them onto semi-trucks, a line of trucks would stretch end-to-end from Los Angeles to Washington D.C. and back to Los Angeles.


For nearly three decades, AMSOIL INC. has been recognized as the leader in synthetic lubrication technology. AMSOIL was the first to introduce a synthetic motor oil qualified by the American Petroleum Institute, the first to recommend 25,000-mile/1-year drain intervals, the first to recommend 35,000-mile/1-year drain intervals, and the first to implement a system for dramatically increasing drain intervals with oil analysis. Decades of research, laboratory analysis and millions of engine miles have kept AMSOIL the leader in automotive applications for synthetic lubrication. Although the results have paid off in maximizing efficiency and minimizing waste, they are not conclusive. AMSOIL is the leader in synthetics and with continued research, analysis and product development will remain the industry's leader.


In 1983 AMSOIL created the TRI-GARD system. The life of a lubricant is dependent on the quality of oil and the filtration system's ability to keep it clean. The AMSOIL TRI-GARD system incorporates AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oil, the AMSOIL Foam Air Filter, the AMSOIL By-Pass Filter and oil analysis to dramatically extend the oil change interval. Less oil changed means less oil disposal and less oil pollution. With regards to the environment, the AMSOIL TRI-GARD System is the most technologically sound, environmentally friendly motor oil program to reduce oil disposal.


Reduces Emissions: Increases Engine Life

Each year nearly 600 million gallons of motor oil are burned and exit through the tailpipes of cars and trucks, creating emissions pollution. Petroleum oils volatilize (burn off) more readily than AMSOIL synthetic oils and create more emissions pollution.

The graph at the right (will be available soon) shows the results of five oils that underwent the NOACK Volatility Test. Of all the oils tested, AMSOIL shows dramatically less weight loss . . . less than half the weight loss of its closest counterpart. Some oils tested lost 20 percent of their weight. That means almost one fifth of the oil boils away and is released into the environment. For most cars, that's approximately a quart of oil being burned and expelled into nature.

The thicker oil left behind after volatization contributes to damaging deposits, sticky piston rings and oil blow-by, all of which cause reduced engine life, reduced fuel economy and increased air pollution.

"Each month, petroleum products emit the equivalent of an 'oil spill' into the Los Angeles Basin's air as massive as the 10-million-gallon spill from the Exxon Valdez, according to the South Coast Air Quality Management District." (Truckers' News Magazine)


The advanced lubricity (slipperiness) of AMSOIL synthetic lubricants has been proven to increase fuel economy by 2-5%. AMSOIL reduces friction and allows your engine to use its heat-energy more efficiently.

How Much Is a 5% Savings in Fuel? The average person drives slightly more than 10,000 miles each year. A 5% savings in fuel gives you more than $25 in savings a year (assuming you get 30 mpg, at $1.60 per gallon). And if you get 20 mpg a 5% savings in fuel gives you $39 in savings a year and you get better gas mileage!

Worldwide Vehicle Population: 1970: 245 million 1985: 520 million 2000: (est.): 800 million If, in the year 2000, these vehicles change oil 3 times each year and have 5 quart systems, 1 billion quarts of waste oil will be generated each month.

Harvey Vickery has knowledge of many things to help the environment as well as the best synthetic oils available today and recommends Amsoil Synthetic Oils. You can get Amsoil at wholesale online at

Harvey Vickery

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