Monday, 9 February 2009

Best Gas Mileage - Should Parents be Concerned About Webkinz Pet?

Are you the parent of a child who has just asked if they could have a Webkinz pet? If you are, you may be a little bit curious and concerned. Webkinz pets, also commonly spelled Webkins, have taken children by storm. They are just as popular as Beanie Babies were a few years back. Despite the popularity, some parents wonder if they are dangerous to children.

So, are Webkins pets dangerous to children? Yes and no. While this may not necessarily be the answer that you were hoping for, it is the truth. Whenever the internet is involved, you will find that a number of varying factors are involved in determining risk and danger.

If your child is asking you for a Webkins pet, they will likely tell you all about the pet or as much as they know. Webkinz work by having you purchase a plush animal for your child. Attached to that animal is a tag that has a Webkinz secret code. That code can be used on the website. It will allow your child to adopt and care for a virtual, online version of their new plush friend.

One concern that many parents have is about the Webkinz website. Typically, you will find it to be safe. Yes, anyone can own a pet and use the website, including adults, but users do face restrictions. For example, a special chat area is called KinzChat Plus. This section is where only certain, non-offensive words are able to be typed. Anyone who tries to do otherwise will not have their message posted. This may give many parents, like you, comfort and peace of mind.

Another concern that many parents have about Webkins pets is how much they end up costing. Many parents wonder if they have to purchase things on the website for their children. You don't. In fact, all you need to do is purchase your child a Webkins plush pet that gives them a secret code to access the site. You don't have to purchase anything else, although each code will expire after one year. Your child can earn KinzCash online themselves. You don't have to purchase it.

As for how your child can earn KinzCash online, which is like fake virtual money, there are a number of different ways that this can be done. Your child can play games on the website, complete "jobs," take quizzes, and so forth. All of these activities are easy, fun, safe, and they can even be educational in nature. As for what the KinzCash can buy, your child can use their virtual money to care for their animals. Food, furniture, and medical care can be purchased.

Since children do have the ability to earn their own cash and succeed, some parents and experts are concerned with internet addition. Internet addiction is often associated with adults, but children can also fall victim to it. The good news is that you, as the parent, have the ability to prevent this from happening. There are some rules that you may want to establish for your child and their use of the virtual Webkinz website.

As for what rules you should set for your child, you may want to limit the amount of time that they spend online, namely on the Webkinz website. You can give them certain days and a certain amount of time to visit the site. For example, you can let your child use the computer two or three days a week for one hour at a time. Another great approach involves using the Webkinz website as a reward. If your child is doing good in school or if they do all of their chores at home, you can give them access to the website or a little bit more time to spend on it.

As you can see, there are a number of dangers that can be associated with the Webkinz pets, including internet addition, but it is a generally safe toy for your child to play with. In fact, your child can learn the importance of responsibility, learn how to set and meet goals, as well as how to properly manage their money.

Also, learn more about webkinz trading cards and visit here for more webkinz

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