Regardless of how you feel about gas prices, virtually everyone should concerned with the environment. We all live together on this earth, and if the planet becomes destroyed, it won't matter if you are rich or poor, black or white, old or young; We will all suffer together. Over the next 40 years, it's predicted millions of people will needlessly die due to global warming based conditions like skin cancer, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases.
Our own personal carbon footprint contribution needs to be our main priority in life from now on and not only for the negative aspects but also positive ones, as there is so much that we too can do to help the environment. A great example to get you started would be to just plant a tree as this would help to offset about 720 kg of carbon during it's lifespan, where as taking a plane from New York to Washington would put almost 800 kg of carbon back into the environment.
On average, each American citizen is responsible for almost 22 tons of carbon dioxide per year, far in excess of the world's average of just 6 tons per person. And while I'm not suggesting you bicycle to your next business trip, there are a number of ways you can dramatically cut your carbon footprint: -
Tip #1: Buy local. "Carbon cost" is added to virtually everything within the consumer society. You have to take into account transportation, distance and the amount of energy that is consumed in the final delivery of a product to it's point of sale. Recent U.S. Department of Agriculture studies show that the majority of fruit and vegetables have to be transported an average of 1500 miles from the farm up to the kitchen table. This is a complete and utter waste of resources, so do your bit and buy local farm produce.
Tip #2: Dress appropriately. Well I mean why don't we just dress according to more acceptable temperatures. Reduce the thermostat if it's cold and put on a sweater and when it's hot put the thermostat up a bit and take off your shirt. These small hardships will help reduce 2,000 pounds of co2 every year as well as high savings on energy costs. This is all in aid of helping our planet remember, so please make an effort.
Tip #3: Replace old technology. If every home in America replaced just 3 light bulbs with energy-efficient CFLs, they would save $60 a year and collectively as a planet we would keep a trillion pounds of CO2 out of the atmosphere. Upgrade appliances and computers to those that are Energy Star rated, and turn off the lights when you leave a room.
Tip #4: Keep it clean. Your car will cause a 500% increase in global warming if it is not maintained correctly. That means getting your car serviced according to the manual and not letting the time pass. You won't regret it as you will make savings in car running costs through better efficiency. Remember that with shopping trips - nearer is better for the environment.
Tip #5: Improve gas mileage. Definitely consider driving a hybrid car or installing an alternative energy booster. I would definitely recommend a water fuel car converter being installed into your existing car. This is a fine way to reduce your carbon footprint by half and you will see a 40% reduction in gas mileage.
Everybody on the planet has a personal responsibility to stop the destruction that will, if left unchecked, effect us all. If we begin now, it'll be a much better world for our children and grandchildren.
Gas Prices are insane! Find out how to Improve Gas Mileage and Slow Global Warming from Automotive writer Paul Petersen.
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