Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Best Gas Mileage - How to make Hydrogen in your Car, to Improve Mileage, using two Spoons.

You might have heard of the Hydrogen on Demand Technology in the media or on the Web. Or you might have seen this technology "disproved" on Mythbusters on TV.

You probably thought "That seems pretty complicated, and I'm not an Engineer" or "That must be some scam". Well, you are not entirely wrong. It can be very complicated as there are very advanced systems one can build, and there are a kind of scam in the field of the downloadable manuals one can buy on the Internet.

But the fact is that this is a technology that has been suppressed for many years by the Oil Companies and their affiliates. That is why you have not seen much of this in the main media, or if you do you do not hear of it again. Or if you saw it on Mythbusters, they did not do it right – so as to get no result. All main media is owned or controlled by a small elite who also control the Energy market and the International Banking. But that is a different subject.

With the Internet this technology has become available to the average person, and in it's basic form it is not complicated. Especially if you have an old car without a computer or are driving a Diesel.

I have a working system in my car that I made in a few evenings with no more tools than a drill, some pliers and a saw. But now I have made Hydrogen Units that didn't even need the saw. And just to prove that it can be done without getting any special components – just stuff available in your Supermarket and local Hardware store, I made one using two large spoons I bought for £1.00 (less than $2.00) in a discount store.

If you go to my website below, you can see samples of what I have done.

So with a glass jar with a plastic lid, some stainless steel (cutlery is stainless) some wires and pipes, you could save 20 – 50% on you fuel bill. Different cars get different results.

To find out exactly how to do this and connect it to your car, it is best to get a manual that gives you the proper way to do it. There are several for sale on the Internet, I have bought and studied the main ones and have used the ones that were easy to do. But as I said above, there is one that you should stay clear of, as it is marketed as "easy" and "anyone can do", which is far from the truth.

In fitting my system I used four jars on a 2.3 liter diesel, and got a mileage increase of 37%. The system need a little bit of looking after, but not as often as filling up the car.

But having one of these in a car, will make that car a talking point and I find I am much more interested in the car and it's well being as a result. I show it to lots of people and most people find it fascinating, with many asking if I can make the same for them.

If you can read a simple manual and handle the tools I mentioned above, you can do this yourself and save on fuel.

You would also become an Eco-Warrior in a way, as having this system in your car will ensure your fuel burns more completely and that in turn gives much cleaner exhausts.

I have heard of people having trouble with emission tests as the exhausts were too clean and the operator assumed the exhaust system must have a leak.

In addition to the cleaner exhausts, the Hydrogen & Oxygen mix will burn away the carbon buildups in your engine, making it run better.

I have noticed in my car – which is not very powerful, that it has got stronger. I can shift gears sooner and do not have to shift down as soon when I start going uphill. But if one just uses up the extra power by driving faster, there will not be much mileage gain.

Some people worry about having an explosive gas in your car. All I can say is that the gas is produced as your car is running, from water. There is just a small amount of gas in the jars and pipes. Hydrogen dissipates quickly if released – unlike fuel fumes who are heavier than air. But it needs to be handled with respect and away from open frames or sparks. But the fuel in your tank is a much greater hazard in an accident than the little gas in the Hydrogen System.

If the amount of money you pay at the pump bothers you or you like to run a cleaner car, you should have a more in depth look at this.

Kent Bengtsson

Kent Bengtsson is a swede living in the UK. Sweden has long been a forerunner in energy conservation and alternatives. On his website he gives further evaluation and information on what is available right now in this field.

Some advice is contrary to what other promoters of these systems give, but he feels the truth has to be said.

Hydrogen Fuel info

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