Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Best Gas Mileage - Do It Yourself And Run Your Car On Water

Want to save money on your fuel bills? Do you want to make your car run smoother, quieter and with more power?

Of course you do and if you are like me, you don't want to spend a fortune on a product designed to save you money.

A hydrogen generator actually allows you to supplement the fuel you use in your vehicle with a form of hydrogen gas that will drastically increase your gas mileage.

With an on board hydrogen generator that you can build yourself in a weekend for under $60.00, you will create on-demand fuel to power your car and save money.

Combined with proper inflation of your tires and observing speed limits, you can double your fuel mileage by building and installing a hydrogen generator, and it is very easy to do so.

You can find all the parts at your local auto parts and hardware stores and use common household tools to assemble the hydrogen generator in one weekend.

There are powers out there that want to keep us dependent on foreign oil and have gone to some very questionable measures to ensure you keep pumping expensive gas into your vehicle.

If we can put a man on the moon decades ago, why can't we extract more energy out of a gallon of gas? Did you know your vehicle only uses about 20-25% of the available energy in a gallon of gas? And your car is designed to ensure it stays that way.

This technology has been around for nearly a century but because it is easy to implement and works off a free renewable resource and therefore cannot be taxed to death, it's up to you and I to see that this free method of creating energy is put to good use.

You can build a hydrogen generator yourself and save a ton of money on fuel. You car will run smoother and quieter and you will extend engine life because the fuel combust more completely leaving less harmful deposits on engine components.

Want to build one yourself? I have a guide at my website that will show you, step by step how to make this hydrogen generator. It's freakin awesome and the government can't do anything about it! Got to http://MylaM

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