Monday, 22 December 2008

Best Gas Mileage - The Dirty Secret of "Big Oil," Water for Gas, and Hydrogen Cars

We have all experienced the rising gas costs, causing most of us significant strain on our monthly budgets. As we wait for either the government or gas companies to lower the costs, there are things we can do in the interim in order to experience some relief at the gas tank.

When it is warmer outside, gasoline expands. Gas pumps, however, measure the amount of gas being used by how much volume (i.e. liquid) goes through its pumps. Therefore, if you buy gas only when it is cold outside, you are essentially getting more gasoline for the same amount of money since the gasoline will not have expanded in the heat.

Make sure your tires are filled with air. Tires that are not completely filled can cause over a quarter of your gas to be wasted, as it burns heavier in order to keep your engine running with the weak tires. It is a good idea to check your tires often to make sure none of them are running low on air

Always drive between 30 and 60 miles per hour. Cars were designed to be driven at these speeds. Slower speeds cause the same amount of strain on your engine as faster speeds, but obviously you are not travelling as far. Faster speeds cause your engine to work harder, thus causing it more stress and, eventually, more gas.

There is also a new technology that has been making its rounds with the ability to improve your gas mileage by up to 300%. It was founded on the idea of hydrogen technology - using water (H20) to create energy - but it is much safer and costs a lot less. It is known as HHO gas, and it is created using a small machine you add to your engine to turn your car into a makeshift hybrid car.

Known as HHO technology, car owners across the nation have used these water car systems to experience significant relief from high gas prices saving thousands of dollars each year and improving the lifetime and health of their engine. And since these supplements can be created with simple parts you may already have in your house, anyone has the opportunity to benefit.

This HHO technology works by providing an electrical charge to tap water that you can get from your sink and turning it into a hydrogen particle that your car uses as fuel. In a way, you are adding an alternative energy source to your car without having to purchase a new automobile, thus making your car significantly more energy efficient and saving you money at the pump.

With a little bit of instruction, you can run your car on water and experience the savings and gas relief that have already helped thousands of others across the country. If you are looking for a way to save money at the pump, consider these supplements your best bet for improving your gas mileage.

Learn how to Run your Car on Water safely and avoid paying super high costs at the gas station! Water fuel is sweeping the nation and will allow you to double your gas mileage, no problem. Click the text links for more information now!

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